Submission Guidelines

Eighteenth-Century Life

We use endnotes, not footnotes, and we do not use a “works cited” list. Superscripts (using Arabic numbers, not Roman numerals, which is Word’s batty default) should appear only at the ends of sentences. For a first citation, please give full bibliographical information in the endnote. For subsequent citations, use parenthetical references in the text, giving the minimum amount of information necessary for clarity, which is often just a page number in parentheses (without “p.” or “pp.”). If necessary, include author as well as page number; if that is not sufficient for clarity, then author, short title, and page number. In the endnotes, however, subsequent references should be the author’s last name, short title, and page number. We do not use “ibid.” or “op. cit.”

In citing a period publication, include the name of the publisher. Since many books are jobbed out to different printers and publishers, put just the name of the first publisher, since that’s generally sufficient to identify the text. If it’s “printed for the author,” then (London: Printed for the Author, 1722). If this is followed by a list of publishers or booksellers, then include just the first one mentioned next: (London: Printed for the Author by J. Tonson, 1700). If the “first publisher” happens to be two people, then (London: George and Wm Bantam, 1703). If the title-page says “George and Wm Bantom, for W. Curley, C. Cox, Furnish Butterfoot, Smedley Spitz, and Randolph Mullion, next to the Bull & Peacock in New Hope Street, London, 1724), then it’s (London: George and Wm Bantom, 1724).

When writing a note for a quotation from an article or a book, give not only the page on which the quotation appears, but also the inclusive page numbers of the essay: Sven Larson, “My Life in the New Jersey National Guard,” PMLA 134 (2019): 65–83; the quotation is from 82. If you’re not quoting directly but want to emphasize a particular spot in the essay, then it’s “see especially 82.”

Note, most scholarly journals number their pages continuously across the entire volume (as in the case of PMLA), which means issue numbers simply aren’t necessary (nor are months of publication). Use issue numbers only for those crackpot scholarly journals that number each issue of a volume separately, such as Eighteenth-Century Life.

Please see our Style Guide (PDF) for more detailed information.

Please send submissions and editorial correspondence to:

Cedric D. Reverand II
University of Wyoming
Department of English 3353
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000

Please send books for review to:

Professor Aparna Gollapudi
Colorado State University
Department of English
359 Willard O Eddy Hall
Fort Collins, CO 80537-1773

Indexed/abstracted in the following: Academic Search Elite; Academic Search Premier; American Humanities Index (AHI); Arts and Humanities Citation Index; Current Contents/Arts & Humanities; Humanities Abstracts; Humanities Full Text; Humanities Index; Humanities International Index; MLA Bibliography; OmniFile Full Text V; and OmniFile Full Text, Mega Edition.

Eighteenth-Century Life is published three times a year in winter, spring, and fall by Duke University Press.

Eighteenth-Century Life regularly prints black-and-white illustrations (and sometimes illustrations in color, although this occurs as a “special case” rather than ordinarily).

Those who want their essays accompanied by illustrations should be aware that authors are responsible for securing permissions, and since this takes time, we recommend that this be arranged before submitting the article. High-resolution digital images should be submitted by e-mail along with the essay so that we can include them when we e-mail the ms. to referees.  Again, it is best to arrange for this before the essay is submitted.

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