IPM Info Graphics


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The following graphics may be freely shared for IPM training 

Click on the PDF link below each image for a larger file with higher resolution suitable for printing or PowerPoint


Pest ID is important

Pest ID  (PDF)

Prevention helps have less pests

Prevention (PDF)

Monitoring helps identify pest problems

Monitoring   (PDF)

IPM works for all pests

Kinds of Integrated Pest Management   (PDF)


Maps help IPM

Maps   (PDF)

Recordkeeping is an important part of scouting

Recordkeeping   (PDF)

Thresholds tell when action is needed

Action Thresholds   (PDF)

IPM includes making timely decision making

Analyze and Choose Options   (PDF)



Education helps IPM

Educating   (PDF)

Biocontrol uses organisms to control pests

Biological Control   (PDF)

Chemicals can control pests

Chemical Control   (PDF)


Cultural control uses changes in the system

Cultural Control   (PDF)


Mechanical control includes trapping pruning and mowing

Mechanical Control   (PDF)

Notification is proactive communication between IPM coordinators and others

Notification   (PDF)

Evaluating IPM documents the results of how everything worked

Evaluating   (PDF)

Policy provides guidance for the IPM program

IPM Policy   (PDF)


The IPM plan describes who how where and when activities will be done

IPM Plan   (PDF)

IPM may be more labor intensive but may solve underlying issues

IPM Costs and Benefits   (PDF)

Regular inspections are followed by recommendations

Inspection   (PDF)

The IPM coordinator manages IPM

IPM Coordinator   (PDF)


May contain inspection sheets, pest logs, dates and maps

IPM Logbook   (PDF)

Before IPM, overuse of pesticides led to resistance in pests and destruction of beneficial species

History Prior to IPM   (PDF)

Children more vulnerable to pests and pesticides because their systems are still developing

Children, Pests and Pesticides   (PDF)

Educating end users can be just as important as educating employees

Educating Users   (PDF)


IPM is a systematic approach to managing pests that chooses from all options

IPM Definition   (PDF)

Pests include organisms that may harm humans or crops

IPM Pests   (PDF)

Key components of IPM include pest ID, prevention, and monitoring

Key Components   (PDF)

IPM prevention includes sanitation, exclusion, and reducing clutter

Kinds of IPM, prevention and Intervention   (PDF)


Sharp mowers blades sharp for less damage to turf

Mowing for competitive turf   (PDF)

Keep belongings off the bed to prevent the spread of bedbugs

Bed Bug Prevention   (PDF)

Store boxes off the floor and away from walls for better monitoring

Store Boxes   (PDF)

• Pesticide labels contain information regarding timing

Timing of IPM   (PDF)


Weevils for biocontrol

Diverse Landscape (PDF)

Proper Identification

Proper Identification (PDF)

Lady Beetles

Lady Beetles (PDF)

Predatory mites

Predatory Mites (PDF)


Predatory Mites

Fish (PDF)


Parasitiods (PDF)

Seedhead Weevils

Seedhead Weevils (PDF)

Syrphid Flies

Syrphid Flies (PDF)



Chickens (PDF)



Pathogens (PDF)



Nematodes (PDF)



Lacewings (PDF)



Ladybugs (PDF)


Application techniques

Application techniques (PDF)


Aerial application

Aerial application (PDF)


Manual sprayers

Manual sprayers (PDF)




Nozzels  (PDF)



Pesticide Label

Pesticide Label  (PDF)



Personal Protective Equipment

Personal Protective Equipment (PDF)




Pesticide Application Records

Pesticide Application Records  (PDF)


Pesticide drift

Pesticide drift  (PDF)




Inversion  (PDF)


Storage and disposal

Storage and disposal  (PDF)


Pest Identification

Pest Identification  (PDF)


Weather conditions

Weather conditions  (PDF)



Pesticides  (PDF)



Tillage  (PDF)


Proper irrigation

Proper irrigation  (PDF)



Native plants

Native plants  (PDF)


Companion planting

Companion planting  (PDF)


Crop rotation

Crop rotation  (PDF)


Plant selection

Plant selection  (PDF)



Plant resistance

Plant resistance  (PDF)


Core aeration

Core aeration  (PDF)


Healthy soil

Healthy soil  (PDF)


Proper pruning

Proper pruning  (PDF)




Sanitation  (PDF)


Remove clutter

Remove clutter  (PDF)


Cultural controls

Cultural controls  (PDF)



Mulch  (PDF)




Caulking  (PDF)


Sticky traps

Sticky traps  (PDF)



Screens  (PDF)



Fencing  (PDF)




Traps  (PDF)


Hand removal

Hand removal  (PDF)


Row covers

Row covers  (PDF)



Storage  (PDF)



Tree shelters

Tree shelters  (PDF)


Monitor cards

Monitor cards  (PDF)


Cold and heat

Cold and heat  (PDF)

Mechanical control

Mechanical control  (PDF)



IPM across borders

IPM across borders  (PDF)


IPM across disciplines

IPM across disciplines (PDF)


Disease triangle

Disease triangle  (PDF)


Weed and pest triangle

Weed and pest triangle  (PDF)



What IPM is not

What IPM is not (PDF)

Intentional Design

Intentional Design (PDF)

IPM Evaluation

IPM Evaluation (PDF)

RiskRisk (PDF)




Label (PDF



Manage (PDF)

Free Slides

Free Slides (PDF)


Right (PDF)



PMP Help

PMP Help (PDF)

PMP Provide

PMP Provide (PDF)



SIPM Toolbox

SIPM Toolbox (PDF)



Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs (PDF)

Head LiceHead Lice (PDF)

MiceMice (PDF)




ID FliesID Flies (PDF)

IPM ComponentsIPM Components (PDF)

ClutterClutter (PDF)
LarvalLarval (PDF)



BiologyBiology (PDF)

SealSeal (PDF)
RecordkeepingRecordkeeping (PDF)
Disinfect ToolsDisinfect Tools (PDF)



AntsAnts (PDF)

TreesTrees (PDF)
Insecticidal SoapInsecticidal Soap (PDF)
RoachesRoaches (PDF)



Economic ThresholdsEconomic Thresholds (PDF)

PsocidsPsocids (PDF)
Drain FliesDrain Flies (PDF)