Professor Kalen's Presentations

Deference to Agency Action: The Fall of the Vaccine Mandate and the Rise of Judicial Scrutiny, Wyoming Chapter of the Federal Bar Ass’n, Cheyenne, WY  (May 2022)

Testimony of Professor Sam Kalen, Before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources, House Natural Resources Committee, on Reforming the Mining Law of 1872, as it relates to H.R. 7580, the Clean Energy Minerals Reform Act of 2022 (May 12, 2022)

Short Update on NEPA in the Biden Administration, Natural Resources Law Professors Conference, Rocky Mountain Mineral Foundation (June 2021)

Endangered Species Act Overview and Update, for Public Lands class at the Elisabeth Haub School of Law at Pace University (June 2021)

Energy Policy in America: What Will Keep the Lights On?, Vital Interests, Online Forum (Blog from the Center on National Security at Fordham Law) (April, 2021)

The Future of the Federal Coal Program, Conference on Public Lands and Energy Transitions, GW Law School, Washington, D.C. (March 2020)

The National Environmental Policy Act, Colorado Water Congress 2020 Annual Convention, Westminster, CO (Jan. 2020)

Energy Follies, University of Miami School of Law (Jan. 2018)

The Fate of Chevron Deference, Federal Bar Association Tri-State Conference, Jackson Hole, Wyoming (Oct. 2017)

The Deceptively Complex Concept of Final Agency Action, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, Special Institute, Westminster, CO (Sept. 2016)

Workshop, Policing Federal Supremacy, DU Law School (March 2016)

Energy Policy, Legal Institutions, and Technology: A Dysfunctional Triad, Emerging Issues at the Intersection of Energy and Natural Resources Symposia, LSU Law Center (March 2016)

Post-Paris Carbon Policy Forum, University of Wyoming (Feb. 2016)

Embedded Choices, Energy in the West Symposium, University of Idaho (Nov. 2015)

Energy Planning, 2014 J.B. and Maurice C. Shapiro Environmental Law Symposium: The Role of Planning in Federal Land Management, GWU Law School (March 2014)

Landscape Shifting Paradigm: Critical Habitat & the Endangered Species Act, 2013 Annual Envtl. Law Colloquium, Vermont Law School (Oct. 2013)

Coal’s Energy Horizon, ABA Public Land Law Symposium and The Public Land & Resources Law Review, University of Montana School of Law (April 2013)

Coal Exports, Environmental Section of the Washington State Bar Ass’n, Washington State (Spring 2013)

The Future of Coal, Wyoming Continuing Legal Education Program, Laramie, WY (Oct. 2012)

Moderator, Fracking Panel Discussion, U. Wyoming College of Law, Laramie, WY (Oct. 2012)

Food on the Environmentalist Plate, Lecture Series, Animal Sciences & Molecular Biology, U. Wyoming, Laramie, WY (Oct. 2012)

American Energy Independence: An ‘All of the Above’ Strategy for Our Energy Policy: Oil and OCS Leasing, Annual EEPLJ Symposium on Energy and Environmental Law, University of Houston Law School, Houston, TX (March 2012)

Agency Guidance Documents, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute, Annual Conference, Santa Fe, NM (July 2011).

Food, the Environment & the Law School, Law, Culture & Humanities, Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV (March 2011).

Moderator, 9th Annual Conference for Water & Energy, Cheyenne, Wyoming (April 2011).

Climate Change and Energy Options for the Future, Tallahassee Community Group, Tallahassee, FL (Jan. 2008). 

Panel discussion about City of Tacoma v. FERC, a D.C. Circuit decision, National Hydropower Conference (2006) (panelist).

The Coastal Zone Management of Today: Does Sustainability Have a Chance?, Symposium, Bridging the Divide: Public and Private Interests in Coastal Marshes and Marsh Islands, University of South Carolina School of Law, Columbia, SC (Sept. 2006) (panelist).

The Endangered Species Act: Unlawful Takings and an Incidental Take Permit, National Waterpower Conference (1992).

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