News Archive

Department of Theatre and Dance

Student Film Festival Now Accepting Applications

April 3, 2007 -- University of Wyoming students may get their 15 minutes of fame with the student film festival scheduled Wednesday, April 25, at 8 p.m. in the Arts and Sciences auditorium.

Applications are available in the Campus Activities Center located in the lower level of the Wyoming Union. Films and applications are due for screening by April 18.

Films are suggested to be no longer then 15 minutes, and individuals can submit no more than two films.

“Everyone can submit films but only UW students can win cash prizes, so we encourage students from other campuses to submit films,” says Mike Lange, CAC program adviser.

Equipment is available to borrow from the Education Computer Lab and Multimedia Lab, hours and instructions are included on the application. Call Christi Boggs, (307) 766-3572, for questions about equipment.

For other questions, call Lange or Clint Jasperson at (307) 766-6340.

Posted on Tuesday, April 03, 2007


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