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University of Wyoming

Works Cited

Hart, M. (1990). Critical theory and beyond: Further perspectives on emancipatory education. Adult Education Quarterly, 40, 3, pp.125-138.

Lemert, C. (Ed). (1993). Social theory: The multicultural and classical reader. Westview Press: Boulder.

Merriam, S.B. & Caffarella, R.S. (1991). Learning in adulthood: A comprehensive guide. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

Mezirow, J. (1989). Transformation theory and social action: A response to Collard and Law. Adult Education Quarterly, 39, 3, pp.169-175.

Ross-Gordon, J.M. (1990). Serving culturally diverse populations: A social imperative for adult and continuing education. New directions in adult and continuing education, 48, pp.5-14.

Seidman, S. (1994). Contested knowledge: Social theory in the postmodern era. Blackwell: Cambridge.

Storey, J. (1993). An introductory guide to cultural theory and popular culture. University of Georgia Press: Athens.

Welton, M.R. (1993a). The contribution of critical theory to our understanding of adult learning. In S. Merriam (Ed). An update on adult learning theory. New directions in adult and continuing education, 57, pp.81-90. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco.

Welton, M.R. (1993b). Social revolutionary learning: The new social movements as learning sites. Adult Education Quarterly, 43, 3, 152-164.