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University of Wyoming

Case Study
Participation and Barriers

Loren Spendlove

Case | Questions


Last year Midstate Community College began sponsoring a quarterly "Evening Lecture Series" program for students and members of the community. Midstate is located in a community of approximately 10,000 people. This quarter's lecture was entitled "Hunger in Bosnia." A faculty member from the college was chosen to present the lecture, as with the prior lectures. The lectures are always scheduled for Wednesday evenings from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. Light refreshments are served following the lecture.

Participation from the community has been less than expected since the beginning of the program, but especially for the most recent lecture. This quarter's lecture only drew 10 students and 13 people from the community. Sally Jones, the coordinator of the lecture program, is trying to discover ways to involve students and members of the community in the program but has not been in the community by the continuing education department.


  1. Who is the target market?
  2. Is the topic appropriate for the target market?
  3. Is the day and time appropriate?
  4. Is a "lecture series" the right type of activity, or would another type of activity be better?
  5. How should advertising be handled?
  6. Why would you want/not want to participate in this activity?