George C. Frison Institute of Archaeology & Anthropology

Supported Projects


Todd Guenther (Central Wyoming College) Dinwoody Bison Jump Test Excavations (48FR7682)

Randy Haas (Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Wyoming) An Ethnoarchaeology of Gran Chaccu

Ken Hladek (Undergraduate, University of Wyoming) Rhoda Owen Lewis Award

Robert Kelly (Professor, University of Wyoming) Alm Shelter Excavation

Meghan Kent (Undergraduate, University of Wyoming) Red Ochre Sourcing of the La Prele Mammoth Kill Site

Larry Loendorf (Sacred Sites Research, Inc.) Rock Art Recording at 48JO3, 48JO4, 48JO6 and Additional Sites

Madeline Mackie (Ph.D. Student, University of Wyoming) Species identification of faunal remains using ancient DNA at the La Prele Mammoth site (48CO1401), Converse County, Wyoming

Chris Merriman (Ph.D. Student, University of New Mexico)  Paleoindian Response to Climate Change in the Northern Jornada del Muerto, New Mexico

Cody Newton (Ph.D. Student, University of Colorado Boulder) Sisters Hill (48JO314) revisited: renewed geochronological and paleoenvironmental analysis of a Hell Gap occupation at the base of the Bighorns

Spencer Pelton (Ph.D. Student, University of Wyoming) Radiocarbon dating of two stratified rock shelters in the montane zone of the southern Bighorn Mountains

Angela Perri (Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology) Tracking the Earliest Domesticated Dogs in the Americas

Marcia Peterson (Assistant State Archaeologist, Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist) 2016 Lost Twin Lakes Trail Inventory: Radiocarbon Date and Obsidian Sourcing

Greg Pierce (State Archaeologist, Office of the Wyoming State Archaeologist) The OWSA Black Hills Survey

Rachel Reckin (Ph.D. Student, Cambridge University) Refining the Lithic Typology of the Absaroka Mountains

Laura Scheiber (Associate Professor, Indiana University) Mountain Shoshone Landscape Occupation of Caldwell Basin, Fremont County, Wyoming

Holly Smith (M.A. Student, University of Alaska Fairbanks)  Analyzing Human Responses to the Northern White River Ash Eruption in the Late Holocene Through Palynology of 6-Mile Lake and Excavations at the Forty-Mile Site

Erick Robinson (Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Wyoming) Starch Grain Analysis on Wyoming Ground Stone Assemblages

Lawrence Todd (Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University), Documenting Articular End Breakage in Bison Jump Sites (Vore and Glenrock): Baseline data for evaluating perimortem fractures of AL288-1 (“Lucy”)

Heidi Van Etten  (M.A. Student, University of Wyoming) Reinvestigating the Stratigraphy of the Goshen to Folsom Paleoindian Components at Hell Gap Locality 1


Victoria Bowler (MA Student, University of New Mexico) A Study of Canid Remains from the Prehistoric Southwest

Tony Fitzpatrick (PhD Student, University of Wyoming), Stable Isotope Analysis of Faunal Remains from Hell Gap: Preliminary Testing

David Howe (MA Student, University of Wyoming), Was the bow present all along? A controlled experiment to determine the presence of the bow in North American prehistory

Robert Kelly (Professor, University of Wyoming) Radiocarbon Dating of High Altitude Artifacts and Ice Patch Formation

Melissa Murphy (Associate Professor, University of Wyoming) Expanding applications: Collagen extraction and stable isotope analysis, UW anthropology

Morgan Robins (Anthropology major, Central Wyoming College) Goat Flats High Elevation and Ice Patch Archaeological Survey

Erick Robinson (Post-Doctoral Researcher, University of Wyoming) Assessing the Potential for Tephrochronology in the Rockies and High Plains

Laura Scheiber (Associate Professor, Indiana University) In the Shadow of Foretop's Father: The Heart Mountain Archaeological Projec

Bryon Schroeder (Applied Earthworks, Inc.) Shirley Basin Lodge Site Boundary Delineation and Domestic Feature Recordation

Rebecca Sgouros and Matthew Stirn (Jackson Hole Museum), Investigating an ice patch bison kill in the Absaroka Mountains

Matthew Stirn and Rebecca Sgouros (Jackson Hole Museum), High Altitude Archaeological Survey of the Grand Tetons (Supported by Ed and Shirley Cheramy and the Alpine Archaeology Fund)

Jason Toohey (Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming), Intercommunity contact and exchange of "Fancy" pottery in the Northern Highlands of Peru

Heidi Van Etten (MA Student, University of Wyoming) Optically Stimulated Luminescence Dating of the Hell Gap Stratigraphy

Danny Walker (Former Wyoming Assistant State Archaeologist) Primary Document Search for the Battle of Red Buttes and Military Records of Involved 11th Kansas Cavalry Soldiers

Joanna Wells (MA Student, University of Alaska Anchorage) Salmon, Beads, and Copper: Wealth and the Role of Fish at the Cottonwood Creek Ancient Village, Susitna Valley, Southcentral Alaska


Richard Adams (Colorado State University), Alpine Archaeology Fund, Retracing the 1969 Hadenfeldt-Foss Survey

John Blong (PhD Student, Texas A&M University), Patrick Orion Mullen Fund, Ecological and Demographic Change in Response to Tephra Fall in the Upper Susitna River Basin, Alaska

Jody Clauter (Curator, UWAR) Clarifying Characteristics and Cultural Relationships: Ceramic Petrography at the Elk Mountain Site (48CR301).

Brigid Grund (PhD Student, University of Wyoming) Paleosol microorganism density: A germ-ane field dating method for archaeologists?

Connor Johnen (MA Student, University of Wyoming), WAPA Fund, Retracing the 1969 CSU Archaeological Survey of the Southern Wind River Range

Katherine Mulliken (MA Student, University of Alaska Fairbanks), Patrick Orion Mullen Fund, Holocene Volcanism and its Effect on Human Occupation in Southcentral Interior Alaska

Spencer Pelton and Joshua Boyd (PhD and MA Students, University of Wyoming), Tyrrell Fund, Archaeaological Testing and Dating of the Duck Creek Site, Albany County, Wyoming

Rachel Shimek (PhD Student, University of Wyoming) Skeletal Pathology, Trauma, and Markers of Occupational Stress in Wild and Captive-Raised Canids

Matthew Stirn and Rebecca Sgouros (Jackson Hole Museum), High Altitude Archaeological Survey of the Grand Tetons (Supported by Ed and Shirley Cheramy and the Alpine Archaeology Fund)


Jim Ahern, Melissa Murphy, and Rick Weathermon, Purchase of a 3D printer for the Department of Anthropology

Josh Boyd (MA Student, University of Wyoming) William Tyrrell Fund, Folsom Endscraper Variability From the Northern Plains, Rocky Mountains, and Southern Plains

Leslie Brown (PhD Student, University of Wyoming) Stable isotope analysis of human remains from the Korell‐Bordeaux Outpost of the Oregon Trail, Goshen County, Wyoming

Jody Clauter (Curator, UWAR) AMS 14C dating of the Elk Mountain site (48CR301), Carbon County, Wyoming

Brigid Grund (PhD student, University of Wyoming)  Soil microbiology of activity areas in reindeer herder camps, Khövsgöl Province, Mongolia

Kevin Malloy (PhD student, University of Wyoming)  Investigation of Medieval deer parks, Scotland, UK

Greg Pierce (PhD student, University of Wyoming)  Elemental analysis of trade beads and steel artifacts from Protohistoric and Historic period sites

Mary Prasciunas (Senior Archaeologist, Westland Resources) Reinvestigation of the Union Pacific Mammoth Site, Carbon County, Wyoming

Matthew Stirn and Rebecca Sgouros (Jackson Hole Museum), Supported by Ed and Shirley Cheramy, Creating a Database of High Altitude Archaeology in Wyoming, and High Altitude Archaeological Survey of the Grand Tetons

William Taylor (PhD student, University of New Mexico)Patrick Orion Mullen Fund, AMS dating of Bronze Age Horsemanship in Mongolia

Lawrence Todd (Professor Emeritus, Colorado State University), Obsidian Sourcing: Norton Point and Hardluck Fires, Northwestern Wyoming, Bighorn, Park, and Fremont Counties, Wyoming

Jason Toohey (Assistant Professor, University of Wyoming) The Cerro Hualgayoc Archaeological Project, Cajamarca, Peru


Brigid Grund (PhD student, University of Wyoming) Examining the effects of children on Dukha, households, Khövsgöl Province, Mongolia

Allison Grundwald (PhD student, University of Wyoming)  Examining the morphology of impact fractures on frozen and unfrozen bone

Mary Prasciunas (Senior Archaeologist, Westland Resources) Reinvestigation of the Union Pacific Mammoth Site, Carbon County, Wyoming

Heather Rockwell (PhD student, University of Wyoming) Usewear of northeastern Paleoindian Artifacts

Bryon Schroeder (PhD student, University of Montana) Thermoluminescence dating of ceramics from the High Rise Village Site

Sarah Trabert ((PhD student, University of Iowa) Analysis of cultural change and Dismal River ceramics


Matthew Rowe (doctoral student, Indiana University), Collections Grant, Eagle Shelter faunal assemblage.

Matthew O’Brien (doctoral student, University of New Mexico), Collections Grant, Eden-Farson faunal assemblage.

Dr. Pablo Ambrústolo (researcher, CONICET); participation in Wyoming field research.

Dr. Richard Adams, study of high altitude villages in western Wyoming, Alpine Archaeology Fund.

Student Travel Support: Kevin Malloy (Scotland, doctoral dissertation research); Clara Copp-Larocque (Alpine Archaeology Fund)


Liye Xie (doctoral student, University of Arizona), Collections Grant, comparative faunal collection, elk scapula; for comparison to Chinese collections.

Dr. Nora Franco (researcher, CONICET and University of Buenos Aires, Argentina); tour of Wyoming archaeology.

Nicholas Naudinot, post-doctoral researcher, University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France; Hell Gap lithic assemblage.

Student Travel Support: Nathaniel Kitchel (Mongolia); Megan Preston (Croatia); Norbert Wasilik (Russia).

Dr. Richard Adams, study of high altitude villages in western Wyoming, Alpine Archaeology Fund.


Dr. Briggs Buchanan, Simon Fraser Univesity, Folsom projectile point analysis (Hell Gap and Barger Bulch).

Dr. Marcel Kornfeld, University of Wyoming, Last Canyon Cave, BA Cave, Two Moon Shelter, White Creek Canyon survey.

Contact Us

Anthropology Department

12th and Lewis Streets

Laramie, WY 82071

Phone: (307) 766-5136


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