Video of Golden-winged Manakins at Milpe Reserve, Ecuador.
         Videography by Nick Oakley
           using Dave McDonald's color Edgertronic high-speed camera.

All videos (.webm format) should play automatically
        (may not work on some browsers -- Google Chrome and Firefox seem to do fine).
To replay, hover mouse over image and press the play button.

1. Black-and-white (higher speed than color) video of a male Golden-winged Manakin Masius chrysopterus doing his
     "audible log-approach display" (no female present) at his mossy log at the Milpe Reserve, Ecuador. In real-time video,
      or during live observation, the movements are too rapid to be detected by the human eye
        (max. 50 Hz=cycles per second), except as a blur of motion.

2. Color realtime video of a male Golden-winged Manakin Masius chrysopterus doing his "audible log-approach display"
     (no female present) at his mossy log at the Milpe Reserve, Ecuador. Note that most of the movement is too rapid
     to be detected by the human eye (max. 50 Hz=cycles per second) or recorded by normal video (30fps),
         except as a blur of motion.

3. Color slow-motion video of a male Golden-winged Manakin Masius chrysopterus doing his "audible log-approach display"
     (female present!) at his mossy log at the Milpe Reserve, Ecuador.
     Because of the low light, the footage is not quite as fast as the black-and-white high-speed.