Lecture #3: Differential Stains

I. Gram Stain

A. Developed in 1884 by the Danish physician _______________________ ____________________.
B. Used to _________________________ between ___________________ ____________________________________________.

C. The mechanism by which Gram-positive cell walls resist decolorization is not fully understood.However, it is thought that

1. Gram-positive cell walls, upon alcohol treatment may become dehydrated, and the _______________________________________ _________________________ behind the thick peptidoglycan layer.
2.In contrast, Gram-negative cell walls have ____________________ ___________________________ and it is thought that the alcohol may extract these lipids, making the __________________________ __________________________________________________.

D. It is very important to perform the Gram stain on __________________ ___________________ because as Gram-positive cells age, they may loose their ability to retain the crystal violet dye.

II. Acid-fast stain

A. Used to detect cells capable of __________________________________ _______________________________________________________.

1. Cells that can retain this stain are termed ____________________.
2. Acid-fast cells have a _______________________________, in specific they contain a great deal of a waxy lipid called ____________ ________________.

B. Important for identifying bacteria in the genus ______________________ (e.g. Mycobacterium leprae and Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which are the pathogens responsible for ________________________________________).
C. The cell wall integrity is destroyed in dead cells so it is important to perform this staining procedure on _________________________________.

Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636