Lecture #15: Enzyme-Mediated Biochemical Activities of Bacteria: Physiological Testing I

I. Unknown identification  

A. __________________________________

1. __________________________________ from the environment of interest (this will vary depending on the researcher’s interest. It may come from soil, spoiled food, or it may be a patient sample: urine, feces, sputum, throat or skin swab, blood)
2. Obtain the organism in a ________________________________ using selective and differential media.

B. ___________________________________________

1. Perform a _______________________________
2. Determine the organism’s unique biochemical properties:

a. Nutrient utilization
b. Resistance to _________________________________________(i.e. salts, antibiotics, etc.)
c. _________________________ production (catalase, coagulase, hemolysins, oxidase, etc.)
d. _________________________
e. Fermentation _______________________________

II. Bacterial groups

A. _______________________________________

**Practice: A scientist is trying to identify an unknown bacterial isolate. She finds that the unknown is a Gram-positive cocci. She sees both chains and irregular clusters on the Gram-stain. What test would she do next? _______________________________________

B. Gram-negative bacilli

**Practice: A student has a bacterial unkown that is a Gram-negative rod. What test would the student do first to determine if his unknown is a Pseudomonas spp. ______________________________________

III. Media and Biochemical Tests

A. Blood Agar Plate (BAP)
This is a very rich medium that allows for the growth of most organisms, but is also able to differentiate organisms based on their ____________________________________________.

1. Gamma (__)—______________________________ (no clearing zones)
2. Alpha (__)—partial hemolysis (___________________________________surround the colonies)
3. Beta (__)—complete hemolysis (______________________________ surround the colonies)

Which bacterial species discussed above are beta-hemolytic? ______________________________ and _________________________
Which species are alpha-hemolytic? ___________________________ and ________________________

See the summary of biochemical tests (BAP)

B. Mannitol Salt Agar (7.5 % NaCl)

-Selects for organisms that can live in the ___________________________________________________ and differentiates organisms that can ______________________________________________________. The agar will turn __________________________ if the organism is able to ferment mannitol due to the acidic byproducts of the fermentation.

See the summary of biochemical tests (MSA)

C. Glucose Fermentation Broth tubes
These tubes contain the simple ______________________________________ in addition to a _________ _____________________, and a __________________________________.
A positive reaction will turn the broth _____________________________________.
The Durham tube will measure ____________________________________ by the bacteria (gas produced by an enzyme called ____________________________________________________).

See the summary of biochemical tests (Glucose broth tubes)

D. SIM Tube (Sulfur, Indole, Motility)
__________________________________ production will turn the agar ___________________.
Adding Kovac’s reagent, and ______________________________________________________ determine indole production. Indole is produced from the breakdown of the amino acid ________________________.
Motility is determined by observing the organsim’s ability to move through the _______________________ ____________________________.

See the summary of biochemical tests (SIM)

***You will be expected to know the basis for each test ***
and the KEY physiological characteristics of each bacterial genera & species that we will use in all of the following laboratory periods!!! The culmination of the next few labs will enable you to take a bacterial unknown and identify its genus and species based on these tests!!!

Just FYI—you may want to make a flashcard for each test telling you the positive reaction/color & negative reaction/color & any biochemical reaction that is taking place for that specific test. In addition, flashcards relating information for the bacterial organisms will also come in handy!
Another useful tool for this section of lab is your picture atlas—it has everything in there you could ever want to know about any of the biochemical tests, media, and positive/negative reactions. The on-line summary of biochemical tests also serves as a good resource and one that is more specific to the experiments performed in this class.

Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636