I. Types of defensive responses
Immunology is the study of _________________________________ to ____________________________ ________________________ (e.g. bacteria, viruses and non-self proteins).

II. Antibodies and antigens

A. Antibodies (Ab) are _______________________ (have two equally specific binding sites for the same antigen); _______________________________ with the following structure:

Check out: www.techfak.uni-bielefeld.de/bcd/ForAll/Introd/antibody.html you can rotate this in 3-D space.
Know the parts of the Ab listed in your lab notebook.

B. Antigens (Ag) are __________________________. Each antigen has many _______________ (antigen _________________________ that generally consist of 5-10 amino acid or sugar residues).

http://www.hbcollege.com/lifesci/aal2e/student/resources/bioimg/60.htm demonstrates interaction between Ab and Ag.

III. Antigens and antibodies interact with one another in detectable ways. ______________________ is the science of ______________________________________________ these antigen-antibody reactions.

A. Two types of antigen/antibody reactions:

1. Because antibodies are bivalent, they can react with two antigen molecules or cells of the same type. This allows them to ______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ of alternating Ag-Ab-Ag-Ab etc...

    2. Eventually this antigen-antibody lattice network becomes so large that it _________________ ________________________. If the antigen is a _______________________ antigen, such as a protein or a carbohydrate, this reaction is called a ________________________. If, instead, the antigen is ________________________, such as a red blood cell or bacteria the reaction is called an __________________________.

B. Two kinds of experiments to demonstrate the two types of antigen/antibody interactions.

    1. Agglutination (_____________________________) - blood typing for ABO and Rh factor.

    a. ABO blood typing

    Mix a drop of blood with Antibody-A, Antibody-B and Antibody-Rh factor in separate wells. Hemagglutination in the wells indicates that the _____________ ________________________________________________________________.

*In vivo, people produce antibodies to surface glycoproteins which they see as foreign.

    b. Rh factor:

    1.) Based on the presence or absence of the RhD antigen on RBCs. An individual who has a blood type of A and is RhD+ is said to have _______ blood.
    2.) RhD- people must be _____________________________ to the RhD antigen before their body will start making antibodies.
    3.) The Rh factor is important to an Rh-woman who is carrying a child of an Rh+ man. ____________________________________________________. The woman can produce antibodies to the Rh factor and then during subsequent pregnancies the woman’s immune system treats the presence of the Rh factor as an infection and effectively neutralizes it resulting in abortion. This is called “hemolytic disease of the newborn” or ________________. To prevent this, there is a therapy available called ______________. This therapy effectively gives the mother bunches of antibodies after the first pregnancy to ________________________________________________________.

    2. Precipitation
    Observing the interaction between a protein antigen (Bovine serum albumin (BSA)) and anti-BSA antiserum —__________________________________________________________.

    a. This test will be done on an agar gel to immobilize the precipitates so they are more easily observed.

    b. Using this test, we can determine _________________________________________ and still give a positive precipitation band. (e.g. if the last positive precipitation band is seen for the 1/8 dilution than the antibody can be diluted 8 fold and still give a positive precipitation reaction. In immunology this dilution factor is often referred to as the _____________________ even though it is just a unitless factor.)
    FYI: Ouchterlony gel precipitations have been used in the understanding of how ___________________________________ interact with the immune system—women make antibodies to them.

IV. Wright stained blood smears

A. Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas (white blood cells).

1. What? This is a mnemonic designed to allow
you to remember the names of WBC’s in order of decreasing abundance.

a. Never : ________________________ are the most abundant type of WBC in our serum. They function mainly in the innate immune response in a _________________________ manner. They are classified as ___________________________, which means their cytoplasm is filled with granules (or lysosomes).

b. Let: _____________________________ are agranulocytes (free of granules) that function in the ____________________________ (cell-mediated and humoral).

c. Monkeys: _________________________ are eventually phagocytic when they mature into _______________________________. They are predominately involved in the innate immune response and are classified as agranulocytes.

d. Eat: _______________________ are hardly present in our blood and function during ____________________________ in a phagocytic manner. They are classified as granulocytes.

e. Bananas: ________________________ are very few and far between and they also function during allergic reactions to release heparin & histamine. These cells work in concert with eosinophils. They are classified as granulocytes.

B. Red Blood Cells

1. These are the largest population of blood cells and function to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. They are a _______________________________ shape which increases the surface area to volume ratio for effective ________________________________.


Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636