Lecture #5: Cultivation of Bacteria I

II. Types of Media:

A. Liquid vs. solid media

1. Liquid
2. Solid

- made from rhodophyte or red algae.

B. Defined vs. undefined (complex) media

1. A ________________ medium is made by weighing out every potential nutrient component carefully (i.e. glucose, ammonium sulfate etc...).
Advantages: we know __________________________________, and therefore it is useful in determining ______________________ ___________________________of a particular organism.
Disadvantages: _____________________, complicated preparation.
EXAMPLE: Glucose Salts Agar (GSA)

2. An ______________________, or complex medium is prepared with complex natural extracts and digests of ___________________ _____________________________________.
Advantages: easy preparation, inexpensive.
Disadvantages: cannot be used to define precise growth ____________________________ because we don’t know exactly what’s in it.
EXAMPLE: Trypticase Soy Agar

C. Selective vs. Differential

1. Selective means that the medium can _____________________ ______________________________ by _____________________ the growth of others.
2. Differential media are designed to tell us the ________________ _________________________ growing on the same culture medium. These media generally contain some kind of chemical that is altered in a visible way by some bacteria but not others.
Example: Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) is both selective and differential.

III. Quantization of bacteria

A. This is an attempt to determine the number of bacteria/mL in a culture. This can be done either directly or indirectly.


a. ___________________________: This means one actually counts each bacterial cell on a microscope slide.
Disadvantages: This takes a great deal of time and we ______ __________________________________________________.
Advantage: No overnight incubation is required.
b. The ____________________________________________ (SPC) method.

1.)A ________________________________________ ____________________. Set aliquots of the final, dilute solution are spread on agar plates.
2.)Every cell that was spread onto the plate develops into a _________________________________. These colonies can be counted and since they originated from a single cell they ________________________________ _______________________________ that was spread onto the plate.
3.) The dilutions made from the original culture can then be taken into account and one can _________________ __________________ to determine the _____________ __________________ of the original culture.
Disadvantages: aggregates of bacteria will form ______ ___________________ if not well dispersed. Results are not immediate; you have to wait a day or two.
Advantages: only counts _________________________ __________________________; can measure really low concentrations; doesn’t require lots of instrumentation or training.


a. Spectrophotometer – measures _______________________.
b. Measurement of __________________________________.
c. Measurement of ___________________________ products.

Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636