Lecture #6: Cultivation of Bacteria II

I. Pure cultures

A. Are cultures that are derived from ____________________ bacterial cell and thus contain only one species.
B. Are ____________________________________.

1. Most ecological niches harbor __________________________ _________________________________ of microorganisms (ex: ____________________________________)
2. Clinical specimens contain both _________________________ (disease causing) and ____________________________________ microorganisms (e.g. urine samples and throat swabs).

C. Deriving a pure culture is very important because it allows us to ________________________, characterize, study and, perhaps most importantly, develop ________________________________strategies to control the microorganism.

II. Techniques used to derive a pure culture:

Derivation of a pure culture

1. It is possible that a single colony on a streak plate could contain a minute level of contamination. Therefore, we _____________ __________________________________ another plate for an “absolutely” pure colony.

Characteristics of a contaminated colony:

a. __________________________________
b. different colors
c. different ________________________ (mucoid on one side and dry on the other)

2. Streak plate demonstration (Be certain to be compentent with the triplet streak technique.)

III. Environmental Influences

A. ___________________________

1. All microorganisms have a temperature range over which they can grow.


B. Hydrogen ion concentration (pH)


C. Osmotic Pressure and _____________________________________
Osmotic pressure is the force that ______________ exerts on the plasma membrane of an organism. Water moves across the membrane in response to an _______________________________________________ in the environment.





Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636