Lecture #9: Controlling Microbial Growth II

I. Terminology

A. _______________________ is the removal of all living ______________ ____________________________________________.

1. We use an __________________________ to sterilize all the media and supplies needed for lab.

An autoclave used in the Microbiology prep room.

2. Sterilization is different than ______________________, which means to reduce the microbial populations to levels considered safe by ______________________________________________________.

B. ________________________________ kill, inhibit the growth or remove microorganisms present on ______________________________________ like the lab bench. Disinfectants are used to sanitize objects but the do not necessarily _________________________ those objects.

C. ________________________ are chemical substances applied to body surfaces in an effort to prevent infection (_________________).

D. Antiseptics, on average, are _________________________________ than disinfectants as they are manufactured with living tissue in mind.
E. A disinfectant or antiseptic that is particularly effective (strong enough to kill -__________________) against a certain group of microorganisms may be called a __________________, fungicide, algicide, __________________ etc...

II. Mechanisms of action of some agents commonly used as disinfectants and antiseptics


Mechanism of action

_________________ compounds (e.g. _______________)

______________ proteins and perturb the _____________ __________________.
_________________ Disrupt microbial ____________ _________________________ and denature proteins.
___________________________ (e.g. iodine and chlorine)
Betadine is an iodophore.
Household _____________ is sodium hypochlorite.
Iodine ____________________ cell constituents and iodinates proteins. Reactions involving chlorine result in the oxidation of cellular materials.
_______________ (e.g. isopropanol) Denature proteins and extract membrane ______________.
_____________________________ Causes ___________________ __________________ of cellular materials.

Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636