Lecture #11 and 12: Bacteriophages

I. Bacteriophages (or Phages)

A. A bacteriophage is a ______________ that uses a _________________ as its host cell
B. It is an ___________________________________________________.
C. Phages have either an RNA or DNA genome which:

1. Directs _________________________.
2. Directs synthesis of a ___________________________________ that protects and transmits the genome between cells.

D. Viruses are ______________________________________.

II. Types of Bacteriophages

A. ____________________—phages that multiply rapidly in host cells and then destroy them through lysis (the _____________________________). Bacteriophage T4 is a virulent phage.
B. _______________________—phages that can follow either the lytic or lysogenic pathway (lambda bacteriophage)
In the lysogenic pathway, phages produce a repressor protein that prevents the replication of phage DNA. Instead this DNA is _______________________ into the host cell’s chromosome and the phage is then called a ________________________. The host cell will then replicate and produce daughter cells that contain the prophage within their DNA. These cells are called _________________________ bacteria.

III. Lytic Phage Replication Cycle (based on bacteriophage T4 of E. coli)

A. Step 1: ____________________

1. Adsorption proteins on the phage tail fibers attach to ___________ ___________________________ on the surface of the bacterial cell.
2. As more tail fibers make contact with the bacterial cell, the ______________________________________ on the cell surface.

B. Step 2: ________________________

1. Conformational changes occur in the phage tail and the _______________________________________.
2. The phage genome is _____________________ out of the phage head, through the core and _________________________________ ___________________________.

C. Step 3: ________________________
The phage ________________________ transcription and translation of the bacteria’s mRNA. The host RNA polymerase starts synthesizing phage mRNA encoding for protein factors and enzymes required to ____________________________________________, degrade host DNA and manufacture viral nucleic acids.

1. _________________________ of the phage genome are made.
2. Many copies of the _____________________________________ ______________________________________ are also produced.

D. Step 4: _________________________
Capsid head and the tail proteins are ___________________________ into mature phage particles and the DNA is _____________________ within the phage head. The newly assembled phages are called _______________________________________.
E. Step 5: _________________________
Daughter phages lyse the host cell and are released to infect other bacteria.

IV. How to isolate viruses.

A. First, the host (bacteria, mammalian cells, etc.) has to be ______________________ with the virus. The virus is then able to replicate and is _________________________.
B. Next, the host cell must be __________________. This allows the viruses to ________________________________________________ (liquid in which the cells were grown).
C. The supernatant is then ____________________. The filter allows the viruses to pass through with the fluid, but does not allow pieces of the lysed cells to pass.
D. The end product is a fluid that should __________________________ __________________________. Last lab we spotted this fluid onto 3 quadrants of a TSA plate inoculated with E. coli. Today we should see a lawn of E. coli with some small ____________________________ where phages have infected and lysed the bacteria. These clear zones are called ________________________. Remember that theoretically, __________ ____________________________________________________________.

V. Determining bacteriophage titer
Viruses are too small to be seen using a light microscope so we look at plaques to determine their titer.

A . Titration of bacteriophage

B. ______________________________________ traps the E. coli and the diluted virus between the two layers of agar leading to _________________ ________________________________________________________.

*Make sure everything is ready before you go to the water baths so the soft agar ________________________________ prematurely.
*Next time we will count the plaques and determine the virus titer.


Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636