Lecture #20:
Identification of Bacterial Unknowns III

I. CAMP Test

A. Tests for the ability of an organism to produce the CAMP factor, a ________________________________________________________.
B. Synergistic test between __________________________________ and _________________________________________.

1. The two bacteria are streaked _____________________________ to one another. They do NOT touch.

2. The CAMP protein ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________ of S. aureus by binding to already damaged red blood cells and leading to complete lysis. As a result, ________________________ of enhanced hemolysis is produced between the two streaks.

See Summary of Biochemical Tests (CAMP)

The test is ______________________________ S. agalactiae.

II. Methyl Red Voges-Proskauer (MR-VP) Used to determine ____________ _____________________ is used _________________________________ __________________.

A. _________________________________ Fermentation Pathway

1. In this pathway, glucose is fermented to produce several __________________________________________ (lactic, acetic, succinic, and formic acids). The stable production of enough acid to overcome the phosphate buffer will result in a __________________ _____________________________.
2. ___________________________ is a pH indicator. If this indicator is added to the culture broth and the pH is below 4.4, a ___________ _______________________________________. If the MR turns ________________________, the pH is above 6.0 and the mixed acid fermentation pathway has ____________ been utilized.

See Summary of Biochemical Tests (MR-VP)

B. ___________________________________ Fermentation Pathway

1. In this pathway, glucose is fermented to produce a _____________ ________________________________ instead of organic acids.

2. In order to detect acetoin, a-napthol and KOH are added. Acetoin reacts with the a-napthol in the presence of KOH to produce a red color. Thus, if the culture is _____________________________, it will turn “_____________________________________________.” If the culture is ________________________________, it will turn “______________________________________________.”

See Summary of Biochemical Tests (MR-VP)

Note: A culture will usually only be __________________________ _______________________________: either MR+ or VP+. But remember, some bacteria are nonfermenters and will thus be _______________________________________________.

Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636