Factors that Influence Microbial Growth
*Please try to work on this puzzle a little bit before coming to class!

6. The cyanobacteria, termed primary producers, utilize light as their energy source and carbon dioxide as their carbon source. These resourceful bacteria are called?
7. When cells are placed in a hypertonic environment, the cytoplasmic membrane can shrink and pull away from the cell wall. This process is called?
9. Manganese, molybdenum, zinc, nickel, cobalt and copper are ________________ and are thus required in extremely low concentrations as part of cofactors or enzymes.
12. The growth rate vs. temperature curve for these organisms reflects an optimum growth temperature of just under 10ºC.
16. These organisms require oxygen gas for growth.
17. Sulfolobus lives in the Norris Geyser Basin at Yellowstone National Park. This organism can live at a pH of around 2 and at temperatures above 45ºC. This organism is called a?
18. An organism that gets its energy from oxidizing chemicals
21. An organism whose energy source is light.
22. Organisms such as Staphylococcus can tolerate high solute concentrations in their environment and are thus called?
25. This major element is a component of every phospholipid (spelled incorrectly here - should be -us at end but is -ous).
26. Pre-formed growth factors required by some organisms.

1. These organisms are usually Archaea and have an optimum growth temperature of between 70 and 110ºC. The heat stable proteins of these organisms allow them to live at these high temperatures.
2. These organisms cause much of the food spoilage.
3. The growth rate vs. temperature curve begins with a steep rise reflecting the increasing rate of ___________ with increasing temperature.
4. Primary producers in extreme environments such as hot springs and hydrothermal vents utilize inorganic chemicals as their energy source and carbon dioxide as their carbon source. These primary producers are called?
5. An organism that uses carbon dioxide (an inorganic) as its source of carbon.
8. These organisms, such as Helicobacter pylori, require small amounts (2-10%) of oxygen gas for growth.
10. These organisms cannot multiply if any oxygen gas is present.
11. The purple nonsulfur bacteria are very flexible. One of the ways that they can grow is by using light as an energy source and simple organics as carbon sources. When they grow like this they are called?
13. An organism that requires an organic source of carbon. Most medically important bugs are of this type.
14. These organisms require moderate to high salt concentrations in their environment.
15. Most known bacteria use organics for both their carbon and energy source. In fact Pseudomonas aeruginosa can derive energy from 80 different organic compounds including newspaper. Organisms like Pseudomonas are called?
19. A major element that is a component of all proteins.
20. The pH inside the cell of an alkolophile is?
23. The ___________ temperature is the temperature at which an organism’s enzymes function optimally and the organism divides most rapidly.
24. Most organisms live at a pH of between 5.5 and 8 and are thus called?
27. An ion of this major element is required in the cell for enzyme activity.

*Note - puzzle made using Puzzlemaker at Discoveryschool.com

Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-314-9636