English 3500, Nineteenth Century Literature
Vocabulary 4

Give a short definition that shows you understand the following terms:

1. alexandrine

2. anapest

3. anxiety of influence

4. Cavalier Poets

5. contemptus mundi

6. Deism

7. pantheism

8. eclogue

9. synecdoche

10. figures of speech (metaphor, simile, personification)

11. motif

12. hexameter

13. interior monologue

14. Interregnum

15. Irish Literary Renaissance

16. Literature (Theatre) of the Absurd

17. Modernism (post-Modernism)

18. objective correlative

19. onomatopoeia

20. Restoration

21. spondee

22. sprung rhythm

23. Symbolist Movement

24. tetrameter

25. trochee

26. Georgian Period

27. Georgian Poets

28. Literature of Sensibility

29. tragic flaw

30. topos (for�t sauvage/locus am�nus)

31. quatrain

32. American Renaissance