THE VIRTUAL EDGE: Lab 5 Cultivation of Bacteria I

Indirect Methods

  1. Spectrophotometer – The more concentrated a liquid culture, the more turbid that culture and the more light that it scatters.  A spectrophotometer can be used to measure the light scattering/turbidity (generally termed the Optical Density (OD)) of a culture and that can be equated with the number of cells per milliliter.  This is a very rapid way to estimate culture titer.  Most frequently the OD is measured at 600 nm and is termed the OD600.  A concentration (bacteria/mL) versus OD600 curve is then used to estimate the titer.
  2. Measurement of the dry weight of the bacterial cells
  3. Measurement of metabolic products produced by the bacterial cells

Lab 5 / Aseptic Technique / Nutritional Requirements for the Cultivation of Bacteria / Enumeration of Bacteria / Dilutions / Lab 5 Organisms

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Rachel Watson, M.S.
AG 5010
Cell: 307-760-2942

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