Corrective Actions
The University of Wyoming has expectations that all university employees will follow
all established rules and policies for their department, University, and the Trustees.
To speak with Human Resources regarding questions about corrective actions or implementing
corrective actions, please contact Employee Relations or 307-766-2438.
Cause for Corrective Actions
The Employee Handbook states the following regarding causes for corrective action:
All employees are expected to carry out their duties honestly, in good faith, and
with diligent care. Cause for corrective action shall include, but is not limited
to: poor work performance; dishonesty; working while under the influence of alcohol
or other controlled substances used illegally; theft; fraud; absenteeism; damage or
unauthorized use of State or University property; refusal to work; harassment; carelessness;
assault; insubordination; failure to observe safety rules; discourteous treatment
of other employees, students, or the public; neglect of duty; violations of state
or federal law, University rules, UW Regulations and Policies or department expectation.
Human Resources must be consulted prior to implementing any warning, reprimand or
disciplinary action.
The University corrective action process may include, but is not limited to, a warning,
a reprimand, or a performance improvement plan.
Corrective Action Procedure
- Verbal Feedback
- Verbal feedback is a verbal setting of expectations. The supervisor verbally acknowledges problematic
behavior(s) or substandard work performance and explains what is expected from the
employee. Supervisors must document verbal feedback. Human Resources is not contacted
for verbal feedback.
- Written Warning
- A warning may be given by a supervisor or an appointing authority when behavior problems
or substandard work performance occur. Documentation of the warning is kept by the
supervisor and shared with Human Resources. Warnings are not maintained in the employee's
employment record. A warning should include
- What expectation(s) the employee is failing to meet or what behavioral issue(s) the
employee is having.
- What changes in the performance and behavior are expected moving forward.
- That further issues of this nature will require further corrective or disciplinary
- Written Reprimand
- A reprimand may be given by a supervisor with approval from the appropriate appointing
- The supervisor will consult with both Human Resources and the Appointing Authority
before issuing the reprimand.
- After the consultation, the supervisor will work with Human Resources to draft a reprimand.
The reprimand should include reasons for the action being taken.
- The supervisor will provide the reprimand to the employee.
- The employee may meet with the appropriate appointing authority to discuss the reprimand
within five working days of the date of the reprimand.
- If the corrective action is not reversed by the appointing authority after meeting
with the employee, the employee may provide a written response to the reprimand. The
employee's response must by provided to Human Resources within 10 working days of
the date of the reprimand.
- Copies of the reprimand and the employee's written reply will be saved in the employee's
personnel file.
- No other appeal is available to the employee.
Performance Improvement Plan
- A supervisor may prepare a written Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) in consultation
with the appropriate appointing authority and Human Resources
- PIPs are utilized to address substandard work performance
- PIPS should state
- the specific work performance issues being addressed
- the period of time for which the plan is in place
- the required expectations that need to be met during and after the PIP
- An employee's inability to meet the required expectations of the plan may lead to
corrective action.