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Laramie, WY 82071
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September 2024 UW News

UW Provost Carman Submits Resignation

After serving more than three years as the University of Wyoming’s chief academic officer, Provost and Executive Vice President Kevin Carman has submitted his resignation, effective Tuesday, Oct. 1.

WIND 30th Anniversary Celebration Oct. 7-8 at UW

A guest speaker and a screening of his award-winning film are among events scheduled for the 30th anniversary of the Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND) at the University of Wyoming Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 7-8.

Fall Issue of UWyo Magazine Celebrates University Changemakers

The fall issue of UWyo Magazine, the University of Wyoming’s flagship publication, shares the stories of more than 40 university changemakers -- alumni, faculty members and students who give of their time and talent in Wyoming and around the world.

Third Annual UW STEM Carnival Draws Record Attendance

More than 1,300 people attended the recent third annual University of Wyoming STEM Carnival to celebrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

UW Cowboys Keep Winning; Cowgirls Second at Sheridan Rodeo

Three rodeos, three wins for the University of Wyoming men’s team, while the Cowgirls were the runners-up for the second time during that span.

Vice President of Stan Lee Universe to Give Lecture Oct. 8 at UW

Jon Ollwerther, executive vice president of Stan Lee Universe and Kartoon Studios, will speak at the University of Wyoming’s American Heritage Center (AHC) Tuesday, Oct. 8.

man holding a four-wheeled robot APLU Names UW an ‘Innovation and Economic Prosperity’ University

In recognition of the University of Wyoming’s strong commitment to economic engagement, the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) has designated UW as an “Innovation and Economic Prosperity” (IEP) university.

UW Campus Compact Seeks Nominations and Applications for 2024 Impact Awards

As a member institution of Campus Compact, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing civic and community engagement in higher education, the University of Wyoming is accepting nominations and applications for the 2024 Impact Awards.

UW Firearms Research Center Conference Focuses on Impact of National Firearms Act

The Firearms Research Center (FRC) and the Wyoming Law Review, both housed in the University of Wyoming College of Law, will host a conference, “The National Firearms Act (NFA): A Discussion on Its Historical and Legal Relationship With the Second Amendment,” Friday, Oct. 18.

UW Choirs to Present ‘WyoSING!’ Oct. 4

The University of Wyoming Department of Music choirs will present “WyoSING!” Friday, Oct. 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts concert hall.

UW Wind Symphony to Present ‘Introductions’ Oct. 3

The University of Wyoming Wind Symphony will present its season opener, “Introductions,” Thursday, Oct. 3, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts concert hall.

UW Faculty Recital Series Presents Harvey and Han Sept. 29

Alan Harvey, tuba, and Jiwon Han, piano, will perform Sunday, Sept. 29, as part of the University of Wyoming Department of Music’s Faculty Recital Series.

UW Honors College Hosts ‘The People vs. AI’ Mock Trial

Artificial intelligence is becoming more prevalent in daily life -- whether welcomed or not. What does this mean for communities? Do people have a say? Who are the “Frankensteins” behind these digital monsters?

UW's New Mellon Grant for Storytelling Examined on Next ‘Wyoming Chronicle’

The University of Wyoming’s new humanities-based Ph.D. program is the topic of the next installment of “Wyoming Chronicle,” an innovative program on Wyoming PBS with newsmakers, artists and unique Wyoming personalities. The show airs at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Sept. 27, on the main Wyoming PBS channel.

UW Community Invited to Engage With Ombuds Candidates

University of Wyoming faculty, staff and students are invited to engage with candidates to become UW’s next ombudsperson.

people in yellow shirts forming the letter w on a football field UW Fall Enrollment Holds Relatively Steady

Increases in first-year students from Wyoming, transfer students from out of state and graduate students helped offset an unexpected, last-minute drop in the University of Wyoming’s incoming freshman class this fall.

UW to Host Event Honoring Late Creative Writing Professor Brad Watson Oct. 23

The University of Wyoming will host an event titled “There is Happiness: Celebrating the Life of Brad Watson” Wednesday, Oct. 23, at 5 p.m. in Room 506 of Coe Library.

UW Participates in Department of Energy’s Collegiate Wind Competition

The University of Wyoming is among 35 colleges and universities selected to participate in Phase 1 of the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) 2025 Collegiate Wind Competition (CWC).

UW Planetarium Schedules Spooky Fun During October

To celebrate the Halloween season, the University of Wyoming Harry C. Vaughan Planetarium’s October lineup includes a few spooky offerings.

UW to Host ‘The U.S. West Between World Wars’ History Symposium Oct. 10

The University of Wyoming Department of History will host a two-part symposium titled “The U.S. West Between World Wars” Thursday, Oct. 10. The event is free and open to the public.

UW Extension Offers Annual Food, Fun, 4-H Program for Youth and Families

Now in its third year, University of Wyoming Extension’s Food, Fun, 4-H program encourages youth and families to spend time together in the kitchen and at the dinner table.

UW’s Laramie Research and Extension Center Releases Annual Research Report

The University of Wyoming’s Laramie Research and Extension Center (LREC) has released a comprehensive digital report detailing its teaching, research and extension activities in 2023.

Horizon Duo to Perform Sept. 26 at UW

The University of Wyoming Department of Music will host Horizon Duo Thursday, Sept. 26, at 7:30 p.m. in the Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall. The recital is free and open to the public.

UW Extension to Offer Geodesic Dome School in Chugwater

For those interested in learning how to build a geodesic dome greenhouse, University of Wyoming Extension will offer a free, four-day class in Chugwater Monday-Thursday, Oct. 7-10.

UW Biodiversity Institute Joins Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources

The University of Wyoming Biodiversity Institute (BI) has merged within UW’s Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources, effective July 1.

UW and Wyoming APEX Accelerator to Host GSA Contracting Webinar Oct. 1

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn how to work with U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) contracting Tuesday, Oct. 1.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Facebook Marketing Workshop in Powell Sept. 30

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to market their companies using Facebook Monday, Sept. 30.

UW Cowboys Tie for First; Cowgirls Get Initial Rodeo Team Win

Both University of Wyoming rodeo teams produced wins at the Central Wyoming College (CWC) rodeo Sunday afternoon in Riverton.

UW to Host ‘Stoicism and Self-Help Strategies’ Lecture Oct. 3

“Stoicism and Self-Help Strategies” is the topic of a University of Wyoming Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies lecture from Donald Robertson, a cognitive-behavioral psychotherapist, trainer and writer, at 7 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3, in the UW College of Business auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

UW Hosts Inaugural International Grand Teton Summit on Sport Science and Behaviors

The University of Wyoming’s Division of Kinesiology and Health, part of the College of Health Sciences -- in partnership with Shanghai University of Sport (SUS) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) -- recently hosted the inaugural Grand Teton Summit (GTS).

students walking by large buildings beside flower beds on campus UW Raises More Than $60M for Second Year in a Row

Driven by the University of Wyoming’s commitment to student success and faculty excellence, donors rallied in record numbers, contributing an unprecedented amount of private support for Wyoming’s university.

UW to Host ‘Challenges to Democracy’ Lecture Series in Sheridan Oct. 1

As part of its “Challenges to Democracy” lecture series, the University of Wyoming School of Politics, Public Affairs and International Studies will host its second statewide event, “Crisis of Democracy Around the World?: From Polarization to Populism and Possible Solutions,” at the Center for a Vital Community at Sheridan College’s Broadway Center. The free public event is at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 1.

UW’s Wheelock’s WHEE3TRIO to Release Debut Record Oct. 25

Led by drummer Andy Wheelock, a University of Wyoming Department of Music associate professor, WHEE3TRIO, with guest guitarist Gilad Hekselman, is slated to release its debut record, “In the Wheelhouse,” on the OA2 record label Friday, Oct. 25.

UW Professors Receive NIH Grant to Study Brain Circuitry Changes During Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease

Two University of Wyoming faculty members will study how to understand the microcircuit changes that occur in the brain’s prefrontal cortex during normal aging as well as disease progression in Alzheimer’s disease.

person working with small machine outdoors Inaugural UW Muley Fanatic Fellow Contributes to Wildlife Science

A University of Wyoming Ph.D. student recently became the first graduate as a Muley Fanatic Foundation Fellow after advancing the understanding of the ecology of mule deer and mentoring other scientists during her time at UW.

UW to Host ‘Crisis of Civility and Hope for Civic Engagement’ Event in Powell Sept. 30

As part of its “Challenges to Democracy” lecture series, the University of Wyoming School of Politics, Public Affairs and International Studies will host its first statewide event, “Crisis of Civility and Hope for Civic Engagement,” at the Mineta-Simpson Institute Lecture Hall at the Heart Mountain Interpretive Center, located between Powell and Cody. The free public event is at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 30.

Dementia Care Topic of UW’s Wyoming Dementia Together Program Sept. 25

“Dementia Care: Family Dynamics and Communication” is the topic of the next Wyoming Dementia Together (WDT) program Wednesday, Sept. 25.

UW Architectural Engineering Receives DOE Zero Energy Design Designation

The University of Wyoming’s architectural engineering Bachelor of Science degree program has earned a Zero Energy Design Designation (ZEDD) from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Online Sales Strategy Webinar Sept. 25

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn sales strategies to sell their products to consumers Wednesday, Sept. 25.

UW’s WWAMI Program Welcomes New Class of Medical Students

The WWAMI Medical Education Program at the University of Wyoming recently welcomed its 28th entering class, with 20 new medical students from across Wyoming.

Registration Open for UW’s Third Annual High Altitude Bull Test

The University of Wyoming has opened registration for its third annual High Altitude Bull Test and Sale. The program offers bull producers the opportunity to collect data on individual bull performance and offers a venue for producers to market bulls that have undergone pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) testing.

UW SER to Host Tribal Energy Summit Oct. 17

The University of Wyoming’s School of Energy Resources (SER) will host a Tribal Energy Summit Thursday, Oct. 17.

UW Wyoming APEX Accelerator Clients Invited to Attend Fraud Awareness Webinar Sept. 24

Small-business owners can learn about fraud in government contracting Tuesday, Sept. 24.

UW and Wyoming APEX Accelerator to Host Defense Logistics Agency Contracting Webinar Sept. 24

Small-business owners can learn about government contracting with the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Tuesday, Sept. 24.

UW Report Analyzes State and Local Policies Designed to Foster Wildlife Connectivity

A new report released by the University of Wyoming’s Ruckelshaus Institute analyzes the challenges, the implementation and the durability of a broad array of state and local policies designed to conserve wildlife corridors and enhance habitat connectivity.

Seidel to Give ‘State of the University’ Address Tuesday

Faculty, staff, students and members of the public are invited to the University of Wyoming’s fall 2024 “State of the University” address Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Wyoming Union Center and West Yellowstone ballrooms.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Financial Analysis Workshop in Powell Sept. 23

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to create financial analyses for their companies Monday, Sept. 23.

UW’s Garramon Merkle Receives $1M NSF Grant to Study Science Communication Training for Graduate Students

Bethann Garramon Merkle, a University of Wyoming assistant professor of practice, has been awarded a $1 million collaborative National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to study ways to enhance graduate students’ ability to communicate science effectively and ethically.

UW Board of Trustees to Meet Sept. 25-27

The University of Wyoming Board of Trustees will receive reports on enrollment, strategic plan implementation and President Ed Seidel’s freedom of expression, intellectual freedom and constructive dialogue initiative during the board’s regular meeting Wednesday-Friday, Sept. 25-27.

Community Gaming and Esports Event Sept. 20 at UW

A free community esports and gaming meetup is scheduled Friday, Sept. 20, from noon-6 p.m. at the University of Wyoming’s Pokes Pub and Game Room as part of the Wyoming Blockchain Stampede.

UW Art Museum to Host Fall Opening Reception Sept. 20

The University of Wyoming Art Museum will celebrate the opening of its fall exhibitions with a free public reception Friday, Sept. 20, from 5-8 p.m.

UW Wyoming APEX Accelerator to Host Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Webinar Sept. 18

Small-business owners can gain a solid understanding of Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) and learn essential Level 1 and Level 2 requirements Wednesday, Sept. 18.

UW College of Arts and Sciences Seeks Nominations for Alumni and Former Faculty Awards

The University of Wyoming College of Arts and Sciences is now accepting nominations for its annual Outstanding Alumni Award and Outstanding Former Faculty Award.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Artificial Intelligence Webinar Sept. 19

Many entrepreneurs are using generative artificial intelligence (AI) in their businesses. Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to use tools, such as ChatGPT, Thursday, Sept. 19.

UW-Casper Medical Laboratory Science Program Lecturer Awarded Leadership Scholarship

An associate lecturer with the University of Wyoming at Casper’s Medical Laboratory Science (MLS) program is the recipient of an American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) Leadership Institute Scholarship.

Governor and Secretary of State Among Speakers at UW Blockchain Stampede

Gov. Mark Gordon and Secretary of State Chuck Gray will be among policymakers, industry experts and educators discussing how the state can benefit from innovative technologies during the 2024 Wyoming Blockchain Stampede Monday through Saturday, Sept. 16-21, at the University of Wyoming.

Guest Artist Duo to Perform Sept. 16 at UW

Guest artist duo Duality will perform at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 16, in the University of Wyoming’s Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts recital hall. The performance is free and open to the public.

Registration Open for UW Extension’s Master Gardener Conference

University of Wyoming Extension will host its biannual Master Gardener Conference Friday-Sunday, Oct. 4-6, at Eastern Wyoming College’s Douglas campus, located at 908 S. Wind River Drive.

UW Assistant Professor Receives Funding for Hunting in Wyoming Project

Nikolas Sweet, an assistant professor in the University of Wyoming Department of Anthropology, is among four recipients of the inaugural Norman G. Pauling Research Fellowship for Early-Career Scholars, awarded by the Phi Beta Kappa Society.

UW Researchers Contribute to UN’s Atlas of Ungulate Migration

The University of Wyoming’s Matt Kauffman, Shannon Albeke and William Kirkpatrick were among 80 worldwide scientists who contributed to a United Nations’ living atlas that recently launched and shows the live migrations of ungulates, including antelope, guanacos and zebras, as well as many other land-hoofed animals around the globe.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Customer Service Workshop in Powell Sept. 16

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to best create good customer service Monday, Sept. 16.

three people posing in front of an airplane New NSF UW King Air Atmospheric Research Aircraft To Be Unveiled During Two Campus Events

The new National Science Foundation (NSF)/University of Wyoming King Air Atmospheric Research Aircraft is getting set to take flight, with its first research mission slated for summer 2025.

UW Cowboys Open Season With Solid Win; Cowgirls Take Second

With five of their six-man team points members scoring, the University of Wyoming Cowboys rolled to an opening Central Rocky Mountain Region (CRMR) win, while the Cowgirls were second at the Chadron State College (CSC) rodeo.

Walker Named Head of UW Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

After a competitive search, the University of Wyoming College of Engineering and Physical Sciences has selected Ian Walker to take on the role of head of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, effective Aug. 20.

UW to Host Book Launch as Part of ‘Challenges to Democracy’ Lecture Series Sept. 16

As part of its “Challenges to Democracy” lecture series, the University of Wyoming School of Politics, Public Affairs and International Studies will host its second event, a book launch, Monday, Sept. 16, at 4:30 p.m. in the Wyoming Union Family Room.

UW Libraries Selects Alternative Textbook Grant Recipients for 2024-25 Academic Year

University of Wyoming Libraries has awarded alternative textbook grants to seven faculty members to implement open educational resources (OER) in their classes for the 2024-25 academic year.

UW Specialty Crop Directory Promotes Local Foods Across Wyoming

University of Wyoming Extension has released an updated publication promoting the local food movement across Wyoming, connecting consumers with producers.

Pulte Gateway to Hospitality Student Innovation Challenge Opens to Wyoming College Students

The University of Wyoming invites all UW and Wyoming community college students to participate in the Pulte Gateway to Hospitality Student Innovation Challenge, an opportunity to showcase creativity and problem-solving skills in a competitive environment.

UW Plans Constitution Day Activities

The University of Wyoming’s annual observance of Constitution Day this year includes a presentation by a woman whose student free speech case was decided by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1969.

UW Blockchain and Bitcoin Programs Topic of Wyoming Blockchain Stampede Program Sept. 18

Blockchain and bitcoin programs at the University of Wyoming will be the topic of a session at the Wyoming Blockchain Stampede Wednesday, Sept. 18.

UW Accepts Nominations for Honorary Degrees and Trustees’ Award of Merit

The University of Wyoming is accepting nominations for 2025 honorary degrees and the Trustees’ Award of Merit.

UW Rodeo Teams Regroup With Solid Lineups for Season Opener

With just one round left and what appeared to be a breakthrough for both University of Wyoming rodeo teams at last summer’s College National Finals Rodeo (CNFR), the two squads appeared ready to be among the nation’s elite.

Frank and Barbara Mendicino Named Grand Marshals of UW Homecoming Parade

Longtime University of Wyoming supporters Frank and Barbara Mendicino will serve as the grand marshals of the annual UW Homecoming parade Saturday, Sept. 28.

UW School of Computing Hosts Open House for Students Today

University of Wyoming students who want to learn more about UW’s School of Computing have that opportunity today (Thursday).

UW and Wyoming APEX Accelerator to Host GSA Contracting Webinar Sept. 12

Small-business owners will have an opportunity to learn how to work with U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) contracting Thursday, Sept. 12.

Keith and Thyra Thomson Honors Convocation at UW Sept. 27

University of Wyoming faculty, staff and students, and area residents are invited to the 2024 Keith and Thyra Thomson Honors Convocation Friday, Sept. 27, at 2 p.m. in the University of Wyoming College of Arts and Sciences auditorium. The event is free and open to the public.

UW’s SLCE Office to Host Volunteer Fair Sept. 10

A Volunteer Fair, sponsored by the University of Wyoming’s Service, Leadership and Community Engagement (SLCE) office, will be Tuesday, Sept. 10. Open to UW students, faculty and staff, and the public, the informational fair is from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. on Simpson Plaza.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Social Media Messaging Webinar Sept. 10

Small-business entrepreneurs in Wyoming will have an opportunity to streamline their social media messaging strategically Tuesday, Sept. 10.

Haub School Hosts Pancake Breakfast Sept. 13 for UW Students

University of Wyoming students who want to learn more about the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources have that opportunity Friday, Sept. 13.

Third Annual UW STEM Carnival Sept. 6

The third annual University of Wyoming STEM Carnival will take place from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Friday, Sept. 6, at UW’s Cliff and Martha Hansen Teaching Arena and Laramie Research and Extension Center, located at 470 Highway 230.

Seidel to Give ‘State of the University’ Address Sept. 17

Faculty, staff, students and members of the public are invited to the University of Wyoming’s fall 2024 “State of the University” address Tuesday, Sept. 17, from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Wyoming Union Center and West Yellowstone Ballrooms.

UW and Wyoming SBDC Network to Host Company Culture Workshop in Powell Sept. 9

Small-business owners will have the opportunity to learn how to best create a thriving company culture Monday, Sept. 9.

‘UW in Your Community’ Event Sept. 16 in Fremont County

Members of the public will learn about the University of Wyoming’s collaborations with Central Wyoming College and other efforts in Fremont County, and UW alumni will connect with their alma mater during a “UW in Your Community” gathering Monday, Sept. 16, at CWC’s Alpine Science Institute near Lander.

UW to Host Pulitzer Prize Winner Jefferson Cowie Wednesday

The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research at the University of Wyoming will host Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jefferson Cowie for a distinguished lecture at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4, in UW’s Agriculture Auditorium. The lecture also will be streamed on WyoCas

UW College Readiness Program Wins $28M Federal Grant

A University of Wyoming program that helps eligible students complete high school prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education has been awarded a seven-year grant from the U.S. Department of Education.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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