Contact Us

Program in Ecology and Evolution

Interdisciplinary Program

Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator

School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247

Phone: 307-766-4128



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Enrolled PiEE Student Resources

Expectations | Travel Funding | Forms/Deadlines

Graduate Assistantship Information  |  Curriculum  |  Campus Resources

Expectations of PiEE Students

The Program in Ecology and Evolution is an interdisciplinary graduate program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Ecology. Students and faculty from multiple departments and colleges at the University of Wyoming participate in the Program.  The Program aspires to educate scientists who are:

  • capable of integrating concepts and perspectives from across the discipline 
  • familiar with the historical and philosophical roots of the discipline
  • able to relate concrete ecological phenomena with abstract concepts and theory 
  • capable of solving problems and analyzing data quantitatively and qualitatively
  • able to conceive, design, and execute ecological research in their area of specialization
  • able to anticipate emerging issues and questions in ecology, particularly integrating with other fields (including the natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities)
  • able to communicate clearly in oral and written form to technical and general audiences
  • imbued with a strong sense of professional ethics
  • committed to advancing ecological knowledge and its application


PiEE Travel Funding Requests:

Students are welcome to submit requests for funding support when traveling to meetings and conferences.  Cost-sharing is a requirement, so please be prepared to gather funding from multiple sources; your advisor, department, and college may contribute to your fundraising efforts. 

To submit a request, please complete the online application found here.


Deadlines for PiEE travel award requests are: November 1 for travel between January and June and April 1 for travel between July and December.

The online application will require the following information:

  1. The title and date of the conference, meeting or workshop.
  2. Why you are attending (presentation? poster? hands-on workshop? etc.)
  3. A breakdown of expenditures and funding sources (cost-sharing is required to receive PiEE travel funds), and the amount requested of Program in Ecology and Evolution
  4. How the support from the PiEE travel fund will supplement your current funding for attendance.
  5. Include which of the following you have completed in terms of participation in PiEE. "We require participation in PiEE as a condition of funding and it is heavily weighted in travel award selection.  Students who have yet to serve as a PiEE officer or committee member may be eligible for travel awards subject to funding availability and an agreement to serve in one of these roles in the next AY." 
    • Presented at a PiEE symposium during your membership in PiEE
    • Serve(d) on a PiEE committee during your membership in PiEE
    • Serve(d) as a mentor for incoming PiEE students through the Mentor-Mentee Committee during your membership in PiEE
    • Attended at least 1 PiEE student meeting per semester this academic year
    • Other:____________

Please note, PiEE travel funding are distributed to as many PiEE students as possible, so multiple funding requests from one person in an academic year likely won't be approved.


Forms and Deadlines (PiEE and University)



Setting Up Your Degree, Committee and Program of Study

Change of Major

Use: This form to add, drop or change any one or a combination of the following: advisor, major, minor, option/concentration, college, and/or graduate status. You will be notified by e-mail or phone when the change has been made.

Signatures: 1st line (Current Dept Head): the Department Head in your advisor's department (e.g., Botany = Naomi Ward)       2nd line (New Dept. Head/Interdisciplinary Program Director): Dr. Melanie Murphy


Committee Assignment

Use: This form enables you to officially designate your thesis/dissertation committee members.  

Notes: You must have three (3) Program in Ecology and Evolution faculty on your committee.  You may have a member that is not from the UW; if this is the case you must attach his/her CV to your Committee Assignment form.  This must be submitted before or with your Program of Study form.  Click here for more info on Committee Assignments.

Signatures: Interdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy     Dean/Vice Provost: Dr. James Ahern


Graduate Committee Change Form

Use: This form is used to make corrections and additions/deletions to an approved committee assignment form.  This form must be typed or computer processed.  ALL committee member signatures are required.  If the member has left UW please write "left UW" in place of the their signature.  Student's signature is required.  

Notes: The College Dean's signature is NOT required when it's an interdisciplinary program.  

SignaturesInterdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy     Dean/Vice Provost: Dr. James Ahern


Program of Study

Use: This form provides UW and the Program in Ecology and Evolution an update on your progress towards your degree.  

Notes: Your Program of Study must be filed prior to taking your Preliminary Exams, and must be submitted after or with your Committee Assignment form.  You must have at least 42 credits of coursework (26 of that can be from your masters), which must include ECOL 5100.  Coursework plus research credits must equal at least 72. Click here for more info on Program of Study.

Signatures: Interdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy      Dean/Vice Provost: Dr. James Ahern


Request for Change in Graduate Program

Use: This form is used to make corrections and additions/deletions to an approved program of study and may be submitted more than once. This form must be typed or completed on a word processor. Student's signautre is required.  

Signatures: Committee Chair, Interdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melainie Murphy and Vice Provost/Dean: Dr. James Ahern 


Progress Report Tracking Form 

Use: This form describes procedures that will allow the PiEE Graduate Affairs Committee and the Director to properly track student progress and declares student status an explanation of status. 

Notes: These procedures are designed to ensure fair treatment of students, maintenance of PiEE academic goals and standards, judicious use of PiEE Graduate Assistantships and compliance with UW guidelines and regulations.

SignaturesInterdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy      Committee Members


Paperwork for Exams (Prelims and Final)

Report of Preliminary Examination

Use: This document provides UW and the Program in Ecology and Evolution that you have taken your Preliminary Exams. It must filed whether or not you pass or fail. The form must be signed by all members of your committee and should be brought to your Oral Exam.

Notes: Bring this form to your prelim exams!  Click here for more info on Preliminary Exam.

SignaturesInterdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy      


Report on Final Examination Form

Use: This document provides UW and the Program in Ecology and Evolution that you have taken your Preliminary Exams. It must filed whether or not you pass or fail. The form must be signed by all members of your committee and should be brought to your Oral Exam.

Notes: Bring this form to your final examination!

SignaturesInterdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy          Dean/Vice Provost: Dr. James Ahern


Wrapping Up Your Degree

Optional Fee Package Petition

Use: This form allows you to register for one credit (usually dissertation research credit hours, at the end of your graduate tenure) and retain your health insurance, access to the gym and libraries, loan deferment, etc

Signatures: Dept. Head/Chair/Interdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy


Dissertation Template

Use: This document provides all the information you need for formatting your thesis/dissertation. 

Notes: This is loaded with important information (e.g., margin and font requirements, abstract format, etc.).

Names to include on 1st page: Program in Ecology and Evolution Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy    Dean/Provost: Dr. James Ahern


Graduation Information

Use: The link above provides access to a couple of forms that must be filled out prior to graduation, deadlines change every semester- so if you are approaching completion check this site frequently. 

Notes: Includes the required Anticipated Graduate Date Form and information on the Graduation Fee.


Miscellaneous Paperwork

Exception Request

Use: This form will enable you to request that the Registrar's Office add, drop, withdraw, or change the credit hours for a course after the usual enrollment deadlines have passed. Your request will require approval.


Completion of the Doctoral Degree Within Four Years After Passing the Comprehensive Exam (Called the "Four Year Rule" form)

Use: This form will enable you to request that you be allowed to stay in the graduate program beyond 4 years after completion of your Exam.

SignaturesInterdisciplinary Program Director: Dr. Melanie Murphy     Dean/Vice Provost: Dr. James Ahern

Contact Us

Program in Ecology and Evolution

Interdisciplinary Program

Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator

School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247

Phone: 307-766-4128



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