General Information
Upcoming events
- UARC meeting - First Tuesday of each month, 7pm,
UL (Underwriters Lab) building at: 2212 Cumulus Dr. This is right at the north end of 22nd street. - ARES/RACES Meeting - NOTE CHANGE: Generally the
fourth Thursday of each month.
Jim's shop (3950 W Curtis St, Laramie, WY), 7:00pm. Please watch the ARES email reflector or check in to the Sunday net for additional information.
IMPORTANT: June 13, 2023 the UARC repeater (146.610) will get a TX tone of 146.2 hz. Please be sure to reprogram your radios!
Please see the Projects page for useful information, notes from presentations and information for our new Elmer 101 project.
See the Photos page for pictures of the Laramie Peak repeater site from George (N7JJY).
UARC Meetings
The club meets on the first Tuesday of each month. Check in with the Laramie Area Amateur Radio Net for announcements and/or see calendar above for specifics.
Anyone interested in Amateur Radio is invited to attend!
Club Dues
$10 - Student
$20 - Individual
$30 - Family
Laramie Area Amateur Radio Net
The club participates in the Laramie Area Amateur Radio Net, a weekly VHF net on Sundays at 6:15 pm. The UARC repeater frequency is 146.61 mhz with a 600 khz negative offset and tone of 146.2 hz, or 147.015 mhz, 600 khz positive offset and 146.2 hz tone in case of repeater malfunction.
E-Mail list
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