Hydrologic Science Program
Interdisciplinary Program
Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator
School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247
Phone: 307-766-4128
Email: wrese@uwyo.edu
The mission of the UW Hydrologic Science Program is to provide cutting-edge graduate-level education in technical, philosophical, socioeconomic, and methodological aspects of hydrology related to both above, and below ground systems and the interaction between humans and hydrologic systems. We will foster research on critical water-related topics and coordinate service to the state and region.
Our program is the nexus for hydrology scholarship at the University of Wyoming ranging from the chemical, physical, and biological elements of aqueous systems, to dynamic hydrologic processes, to weather and climate, to human-designed and influenced systems, to computational data science applications and other key aspects of the interaction between water, humans, and the environment. We strive to promote the excitement of discovery to our students.
Our purpose is to contribute to solving basic and applied hydrology problems, particularly in our state and region – through the development of workforce-ready hydrologists, fostering fundamental research outcomes needed to drive decision-making, and serving as a resource for public and private interests.
Hydrologic Science Program
Interdisciplinary Program
Debbie Swierczek, Program Coordinator
School of Graduate Education
Knight Hall 247
Phone: 307-766-4128
Email: wrese@uwyo.edu