Contact Us

Student Health Service
Student Health/Cheney Intl. Bldg.
1000 E. University Ave. | Dept. 3068
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2130
TeleType: (307) 766-2132
Fax: (307) 766-2711

Phone: (307) 766-6602

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Immunization Requirement

All students must prove immunity to measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) prior to class registration. This policy affects students of the University of Wyoming born after December 31, 1956 who will be taking on-campus classes. MMR immunizations are required to safeguard the campus community against measles, mumps and rubella outbreaks. We prioritize the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff, necessitating proof of vaccination to prevent the spread of these highly contagious diseases supporting a healthier campus for all.


Steps to comply with the MMR immunization Requirement:


step 1 graphic


Obtain MMR Records

Records should be signed by a health care representative and dated on or after the date of the second MMR immunization. Official forms that will verify immunization include:
  • Statement or photocopy of records from a doctor's office or clinic.
  • State or international immunization record (must be translated to English).
  • Primary or secondary school records of immunizations.
  • Immunization record from another college or university.
  • Military records.
  • Previous employer records.
  • Documentation of blood tests/titers showing immunity.



step 2 graphic


Submit MMR Records

Using your UW user name and password login to the Patient Portal and enter your MMR dates or titer results under the "Immunizations" tab.
  • Enter other immunizations and dates under the recommended section.
  • Hit the Submit key when you have entered all your immunization information.
  • Upload the documentation of your immunizations using the “Upload” tab.




If verification from one the above resources is unavailable or you need an MMR vaccine, complete one of the following;

  1. Receive the MMR vaccine from your health care clinician or local health department prior to your arrival on campus.

  2. Obtain the necessary blood tests from your health care clinician to prove immunity. Students are able to get tested for immunity (titer) at UW Student Health as well.

  3. Receive the MMR vaccine at the UW Student Health Service during our regular business hours (current cost: $110.00 per dose--two doses required; price can change without notice).

You will be unable to register for classes until you comply with the MMR immunization requirement.

If you are exempt from the immunization requirement and there is an outbreak of one of the three illnesses on campus, you will be excluded from campus for the duration of the outbreak. There are a few exemptions to the MMR Immunization requirement. These instances must be documented and handled through the appropriate channels as outlined below.

  1. If you have a medical contraindication to the MMR immunization, you should not receive the immunization and should complete the Medical Exemption Form (this Form requires a medical clinician signature). You can upload this form to the MMR immunization section of the Patient Portal using the “Upload” tab.

    1. Absolute contraindications include an allergy to neomycin or any other component of the MMR vaccine, or a previous life threatening allergic reaction to the MMR or MMRV vaccine.

    2. Temporary contraindications include pregnancy, being sick with something more than a cold, taking medications that affect the immune system, recent receipt of blood products, obtaining certain vaccines in the previous 4 weeks, cancer, and a low platelet count.

  2. If you have sincere religious beliefs against immunizations, you can complete the Religious Exemption Form (this form must be notarized). Previous exemptions are not accepted. You can upload this form to the MMR immunization section of the Patient Portal using the “Upload” tab.

International students must comply with the MMR immunization requirement as outlined as well as additional health requirements.

  1. If you are an outreach student and are not in classes on the Laramie or University of Wyoming at Casper campus, you are not required to comply with this immunization requirement.

  2. If you have an immunization hold, please contact the Office of the Registrar to have the hold removed.

  3. If you change your status and attend classes on the Laramie or University of Wyoming at Casper campus, you must comply with the immunization requirement.

Contact Us

Student Health Service
Student Health/Cheney Intl. Bldg.
1000 E. University Ave. | Dept. 3068
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2130
TeleType: (307) 766-2132
Fax: (307) 766-2711

Phone: (307) 766-6602

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