Report a Broken Link

If you have found a link on a UW web page ( that is not working, please report it with the form below.

Thank you!


*Required: What is the original webpage with the broken link? Please use the URL or web address by coping & pasting it from the address bar in your web browser. You will need to be on the page that has the broken link, and not the resulting error page. You might need to use your browser's "back" button for this.
If you have any other information about this issue, please add it here.
Why do we require your email address?
We appreciate you taking the time to report a broken link and we may email you if your report is incomplete or we need additional information. We will never sell or release your email address.


If you are currently a site editor, please review how you can find and fix broken links on your site by visiting our Broken Links web page!