CE 5575 Intelligent Transportation Systems
The use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) to improve the safety, efficiency, reliability, and/or security of transportation systems. Covers ITS applications, technologies, deployment issues, and system performance in both urban and rural environments. Prerequisites: CE 3500.
CE 4530/5530 Traffic Engineering: Operations
Basic characteristics of traffic, such as drivers, vehicles, volumes, speeds, delay, origins and destinations, intersection performance, capacity, termination and accidents; techniques for making traffic engineering investigations; traffic laws and ordinances, regulations, design and application of signal systems; curb parking control; enforcement and traffic administration; and public relations. Dual listed with CE 4530. Prerequisite: CE 3500.
CE 5700 Traffic Safety Applications
A graduate course that is designed to provide the needed skills to conduct various analyses in traffic safety. The course is tailored to the need of the individual student’s research area.
CE 3500 Transportation Engineering
Introduction to the major topics in Transportation Engineering. Focus areas include roadway and non-motorized facility design, traffic operations, transportation planning, and pavement materials and design. Prerequisite: CE 2070.