Faculty / TAs / GAs

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Faculty Learning Studio Hours

Hours are Mondays and Thursdays from 2-4pm over Zoom.
Please note that Faculty Learning Studio will be closed over spring break.
If you'd like to meet in person during that time, please email wyocourses-inst@uwyo.edu .
More information can be found at http://www.uwyo.edu/ctl/consultations/index.html .


Course & Enrollment Management

The WyoCourses staff manage course shells and enrollment into courses, along with other behind-the-scenes system administration.

  • For logistical problems with course shells and enrollment, contact the WyoCourses staff through their online form, by email to wyocourses@uwyo.edu, or a call to the Help Desk.

  • To request test shells, incomplete sections, and many other modifications to course shells, fill out one of the request forms.


Instructional Support / Training & Development

Instructional support professionals in the Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning, and the Online and Continuing Education want to make your use of WyoCourses successful and efficient. Review support documentation below, and your training opportunities on the Training link to the left, or contact the instructional support team by email at wyocourses-inst@uwyo.edu.

Consult the Training link to the left for training schedules, resources, and people who can help.


Guides and Tutorials

Contact Us


Email: wyocourses@uwyo.edu

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