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College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
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College of Law


Rachel G. Ngo Ntomp 

Assistant Professor of Law

Rachel Ngo Ntomp

LL.M., in American Law, Boston University School of Law (2022) 
Ph.D. Candidate, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2019-present)
Certificate of Advanced Studies in Legal Professions, University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2017) cum laudeL.L.M., University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2016) summa cum laude
C.T.L., (Certificate in Transactional Law) University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2016) cum laude
LL.B., (Bachelor of Laws) University of Geneva, Faculty of Law (2015) cum laude

Email: rngontom@uwyo.edu

Office: 211 College of Law



Prof. Rachel G. Ngo is a Swiss and U.S.-trained attorney and legal academic. She obtained her Bachelor of Laws, a Certificate in Transnational Law, a Master of Laws, and a Certificate of Advanced Legal Studies (1st part of the Geneva Bar, 2017) from the University of Geneva in Switzerland, followed by an LL.M. in American Law at Boston University School of Law to develop her expertise in global and comparative contracts and business law.

Upon completing her LL.M. degree with honors, she joined the faculty at Boston University as a 2-year Visiting Assistant Professor, where she dedicated her time to developing her scholarship and finding her path as a commercial law and comparative law scholar.

Prof. Ngo’s teaching interests are contract law, business organizations, commercial law, conflicts of laws (private international law), as well as international business transactions and litigation. Her current research centers on the U.S. legal framework for safeguarding vulnerable parties, with a specific emphasis on understanding the position and vulnerability of small businesses.

Her paper “The Small Business Dilemma” (forthcoming in 2025), addressing the disparities in bargaining power within business-to-business transactions between small businesses and more prominent entities, was selected for the 2024 Harvard/Yale/Stanford Junior Faculty Forum.

In addition to her academic training, Prof. Ngo also practiced for almost five years as an in-house legal counsel for one of the largest spa resorts in Switzerland.

She joined the University of Wyoming College of Law as an Assistant Professor in 2024.

Teaching: Contracts, Business Organizations, Comparative Contracts, Secured Transactions

Contact Us

College of Law
1000 E. University Ave., Dept. 3035
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: 307-766-6416
Email lawadmis@uwyo.edu

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