Research & Economic Development Division

The Research and Economic Development Division (REDD) at the University of Wyoming serves as a catalyst to advance the university's knowledge enterprise through research, service, and innovation. Providing rich experiential learning opportunities, REDD enriches the experience of UW students and supports innovation and economic growth across Wyoming. Our commitment ensures that the pursuit of knowledge and innovation remains a foundation for progress and prosperity throughout the state.



VIEW The news release HERE

Carnegie Classification



K-12 Students Exploring the STEM Carnival


UW Students were trained by LAMP-trained educators in active learning classes in FY24


Graduate student studying a test tube

$167.3 Million

Total FY24 Research Expenditures


Professor presenting the Drilling and Completions simulation lab


New Businesses started in Wyoming with help from SBDC staff in FY24



Research Process Resources

Research Development

Pre-Award Services

Research Integrity & Compliance arrow

Technology Transfer




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    UW Celebrates Research and Innovation Achievements

    January 23, 2025

    The University of Wyoming last week awarded and honored the research and innovation of several members of its faculty in celebration of the impact, relevance and importance of their respective work.

    UW’s annual Celebration of Excellence in Research and Innovation awards event, which was held at the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center, featured distinguished researcher, innovator and research service awards to three faculty members. An award also featured a standout UW school for demonstrating exemplary research culture.

    The event designated several faculty members as honorees for research and innovation excellence, and recognized faculty members from select UW schools and colleges for their respective contributions to research excellence.

    Read the full article on the UW News website.

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    New Funding Program to Expand UW Research on Artificial Intelligence

    January 24, 2025

    Twelve University of Wyoming projects have been selected for seed funding for the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to various areas of investigation.

    Support for these projects is geared to help UW achieve and sustain a high level of competitiveness for both private and public funding of faculty-led research in the burgeoning field of AI and its applications.

    “The use of AI has clearly skyrocketed in just the past couple of years,” UW President Ed Seidel says. “UW is now well-positioned to accelerate research to support the practical applications of AI. This program will help our faculty generate and execute competitive proposals for projects that will ultimately unlock benefits of AI for Wyoming and beyond.”

    Read the full article on the UW News website.

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    UW Research and Innovation - Transforming student experience, Ensuring student success

    January 23, 2025










Photo collage of research labs at the University of Wyoming






Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellowships For AI-Enabled Interdisciplinary Research

To learn more about the scope and impact of UW Research and Economic Development, click the button below to download the Division's latest annual report.

Contact Us

VP for Research & Economic Development
1000 E. University Avenue
Dept. 3355
Old Main, Room 308
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-5353