



The University of Wyoming Printmaking studio is equipped for relief, intaglio, and lithographic printmaking processes. Students work with traditional and historical printmaking processes, as well recent additions to the printmaking lexicon that provide connections to photographic and digital media. Students explore making multiples and variables, as well as exploring the print as it moves beyond the framed image. Typically, students in upper-division courses combine printmaking media and processes with the exploration of their studio practice in other disciplines.

Equipment for papermaking and letterpress are located in the Printmaking studio and Book Art is taught as an allied area in the Printmaking studio.  Book Art classes begin with traditional construction techniques, and students are encouraged to build upon tradition as they develop book art skills and explore the book as an object and vehicle for sequential image-making.  The resulting works represent a variety of technical and conceptual directions grounded both in Fine Press and Artist Book traditions.

Printmaker WorkingPrintmaker Working


Art Organizations

Within the Art and Art History Program, students have the opportunity to be apart of art organizations

Senior Studio

Senior Studios can be acquired by application and are for advanced students enrolled in at least one credit hour of upper level courses in the Art and Art History Program to work on their creative research safely and independently. 


Post Undergraduate Assistantship

One of the most successful programs we have is the Post Undergraduate Assistantship. Senior graduating students can apply for a Post Undergraduate Assistantship for the year following graduation.


Program Information

For the B.A. in Studio Art & B.F.A. in Studio Art major requirements, visit the Undergraduate Major. For Minor requirements, visit Minors in Art



Lars Roeder

Lars Roeder

Visiting Assistant Professor: Printmaking

Email: Office: VA 218




Courses Offered

3510. Printmaking I. 3. Investigates and experiments with processes and properties of print media, including intaglio, lithography and relief. Explores ideas and works of traditional and contemporary printmaking. Prerequisites:ART 1005 and ART 1110 and 1130 or concurrent registration in ART 1130.

4510. Printmaking II. 3 (Max. 6). Continues development of printmaking skills gained in introductory printmaking and focuses in particular on the relationship between process and image. Through demonstrations and studio work, slide lectures, visits to the museum and archives, and readings and discussions, technical processes will be refined, print history will be further explored and image making will continue to be developed. Prerequisites: completion of Foundation Core, ART 2000 and 3510.


 4520. Advanced Printmaking II : Exhibition and Professional Preparation. 3 (Max. 6). Preparation  to continue as exhibiting artists. Students further develop their work as artist-printmakers in preparation for a solo or two-person exhibition at the completion of the semester. Presentation and execution of slides, resume, artist statement, locating opportunities and correspondence will be developed throughout the term. Prerequisites: ART 2000, 4510 and portfolio approval from instructor.

4975. Independent Study and Research. 1-3 (Max. 6). Research options in all creative areas. Students work independently and provide demonstrated ability and background knowledge to carry out self-directed research or creative activity in the research area. Arrangements regarding curricular obligations and meeting times are made with the instructor in advance. Prerequisites: ART 2000 and 12 hours of art in research area and prior consent of instructor.

Student Work

Student Work 1

Student Work 2

Student Work 3

Student Work 4

Student Work 5

Student Work 6

Student Work 7

Student Work 8

Contact Us

Department of Visual Arts
Visual Arts Building, Room 110
Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (Academic Year)
7:30 am - 4:30 pm (Summer)
1000 E. University Ave.
Dept. 3138
Laramie, WY 82072
Phone: (307) 766-3269