Investing in Wyoming's Creative Economy

Investing in Wyoming’s Creative Economy is a state-funded program through Wyoming Innovation Partnership (WIP) aimed at supporting artists and creatives in building aWyoming Innovation Partnership sustainable art practice, starting an arts related nonprofit, or building an arts-related business. The initiative is led by the staff of the Neltje Center along with UW colleagues, consultants, and mentors. 

During Phase II of the WIP Initiative (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024), a total of 100 Wyoming-based artists and creatives in any field were invited to apply to participate in:

WORKSHOPS: Skills and community-building workshops focused on reaching personal and professional goals.
MENTORS: Mentorship from experts in diverse creative fields and start-up businesses.
RESOURCES: Access to resources necessary to sustain a creative life.
FUNDING: The opportunity to compete for up to $25,000 towards an arts-focused business start-up, nonprofit initiative, or arts related enterprise.

Plans for Phase III of the WIP Initiative will be announced by the Governor's Office in summer 2024. 


Contact Us

Beth Venn
Executive Director, Neltje Center for Excellence in Creativity and the Arts
Phone: (307) 766-4101