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1000 E. University Ave.
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Department of Botany

College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources

Steven L. Miller


  • Specialization: Fungal Ecology and Symbiosis
  • Office: Aven Nelson, 222
  • Phone: 307-766-2834
  • E-mail:
Steven Miller


B.S. University of Wyoming, 1979
M.S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1982
Ph.D. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1985


BOT 3100 Plants and Civilization
BOT 4395/5395 Symbiosis
LIFE 2023 Biology of Plants and Fungi

Research Emphasis

Most current and recent work has focused on the ecology and symbiosis of ectomycorrhizal fungi, which is one of the most widespread and important mutualisms in terrestrial ecosystems. 

Current Research Projects 

  • Symbiosis between conifer trees, false truffles. and the achlorophyllous plant Pterospora andromedea
  • Phylogeography of the widespread ectomycorrhizal symbiont Russula brevipes
  • Ecology of fairy rings
  • Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities in threatened forests of the world.

Selected Publications 

Trappe, MJ, K Cromack, JM Trappe, DDB Perrakis, E Cazares-Gonzales, MA Castellano and SL Miller.  2009. Interactions Between Prescribed Fire, Soil Attributes, and Mycorrhizal Fungus Fruiting Patterns in an Old-Growth Pinus ponderosa / Abies concolor stand in Crater Lake National Park, Oregon, USA.  Fire Ecology 5: 30-50.

Das, K, SL Miller, JR Sharma and J Hemenway.  2008.  Two new species of Russula from western Ghats in India.  Indian Journal of Forestry 31: 473-478.

Nuytinck J, A Verbeken and SL Miller.  2007.  Worldwide phylogeny of Lactarius section Deliciosi inferred from ITS and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene sequences.  Mycologia 99: 820-832.

Bergemann, Sarah E., Greg W. Douhan, Matteo Garbelotto, Steven L. Miller.  2006.  No evidence of population structure across three isolated subpopulations of Russula brevipes in an oak/pine woodland.   New Phytologist 170:177-184.

Miller, S. L. and T. W. Henkel.  2004.  Biology and Molecular Ecology of Subiculate Lactarius species from Guyana.  In C. L. Cripps, ed., Fungi in Forest Ecosystems-- Systematics, Diversity, and Ecology.  New York Botanic Garden, vol. 89.  pp. 297-313.

Bergemann, S. E. and S. L. Miller.  2002.  Size, distribution, and persistence of genets in local populations of the late-stage ectomycorrhizal basidiomycete, Russula brevipes.  New Phytologist 156: 313-320.

Miller, O. K., T. W. Henkel, T. James and S. L. Miller.  2001.  Pseudotulostoma volvata, a remarkable new volvate genus in the Elaphomycetaceae from Guyana.  Mycological Research 105: 1268-1272.

Henkel, T. W., M. C. Aime and S. L. Miller.  2000. Systematics of pleurotoid Russulaceae from Guyana and Japan, with notes on their ectomycorrhizal status. Mycologia 92: 1119--1132.

Miller, S. L., T. M. McClean, N.L. Stanton and S. E. Williams.  1998.  Survivability, physiognomy and mycorrhization of first year conifer seedlings following fire in Grand Teton National Park.  Canadian Journal Forest Research 28: 115-122.

Contact Us

Agriculture Building 119
Department 3165
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-4207

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