OCC Tips for Speech Anxiety & Communication Apprehension

Do you suffer from speech anxiety?

The PRCA (Personal Report of Communication Apprehension) is a test designed to help student gauge their level of communication anxiety in four specific areas: small group discussions, one-on-one interactions, speeches, and meetings. By taking this test, you will have a better idea of what aspects of speech communication you need to improve on.

Do you have Communication Apprehension?

Students with high speech apprehension may qualify to take part in a special section of Public Speaking that focuses on overcoming communication anxiety. The PRCA Exam determines if you qualify for this course.

Tactics that can help: 

  1. Be well-prepared before speaking to a group: Know material, audience and conditions
  2. Practice your speech: Practice alone, in the mirror, in the corner, with a friendly audience and record your practices
  3. Have a backup, in case you forget what you want to say: Have notecards with your outline
  4. Reduce the fear of your audience: Realize they are usually on your side and want you to do well
  5. Relax yourself just before you speak: Take three deep breaths and close your eyes and count to ten

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Contact Us

Oral Communication Center

442 Ross Hall

Phone: (307) 766-3815

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