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2024 Projects
Funded 3D printers for the Coe SIC
Funded 1/3 of the MatLab site license
Funded 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Funded Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Funded Poll Everywhere annual site license
Funded WebCheckout Licenses
Funded 25 replacement PCs in Classroom 225
Funded 46 replacement PCs in Coe Library
Funded 31 replacement PCs in EN 2109
Funded 10 replacement PCs in ITC 101
Funded 9 replacement PCs in the Classroom building study rooms and lounge
Funded 8 replacement PCs in Willett Drive and Bison-run apartment labs
Funded 15 35” curved monitors with docking capabilities for use in open labs
Funded 30 iPads for student checkout
Funded 30 MacBook Air laptops for student checkout
Funded door and electrical upgrades to BS 37
2023 Projects
Funded Esports Travel PCs
Funded class buzzers for Family and Consumer Sciences
Funded VR Units for the UW Casper Counseling Center
Funded 3D printers for the Coe SIC
Funded 1/3 of the MatLab site license
Funded 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Funded Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Funded Poll Everywhere annual site license
Funded WebCheckout Licenses
Funded 18 Replacement computers for BS 37
Funded furniture and equipment upgrades to convert BS 37 into a Hybrid Lab/Makerspace
Funded 20 45” Curved LED screens to be placed in open labs
Funded 15 Lenovo docking stations to be placed in open labs
Funded 6 replacement computers for the Geology Library
Funded 33 replacement computers for STEM 215
Funded 41 replacement computers in Coe Library
Funded 10 replacement laptops for Coe SIC
Funded 3D printer enclosures to address fuming issues
2022 Projects
Fund projection mapping equipment and software for Studio Coe
Fund Boss Laser Engraver and US Cutter for SIC
Fund Flight Simulator equipment for Air Force ROTC
Fund AV Equipment for student stations in Coe 121
Fund Mixed Reality equipment and iPads for Visual Arts
Fund iPads for use by the Construction Management department
Fund Vernier Software and equipment for Physiology Labs
Fund iPads for use in Digital Drawing classes
Fund UAV and Lidar systems for WyGIC sponsored classes
Fund Digital Music equipment and software for the Music Department
Fund 1/3 of the MatLab site license
Fund 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Fund Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Fund Poll Everywhere annual site license
Fund $6000 worth of charging stations for placement in high traffic areas
Fund 26 replacement computers in AG 328
Fund 25 replacement computers in AS 228
Fund 31 replacement computers in AG 229
Fund 31 replacement computers in STEM 315
Fund 22 replacement computers in Coe Library
Fund WebCheckout Licenses
2021 Projects
Fund 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Fund Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Fund Poll Everywhere annual site license
Fund 25 replacement computers in CR 225
Fund 76 replacement computers in Coe Library
Fund 24 replacement computers in ITC 101
Fund 10 replacement computers in Willett Drive and Bison Run labs
2020 Projects
Fund 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Fund Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Fund Poll Everywhere annual site license
Fund Laser Cuttter for Coe SIC
Fund VR Development units for Studio Coe
Fund EERB Metal Printer consumables
Fund 29 replacement computers in BS 39
Fund 33 replacement computers in STEM 215
Fund 43 replacement computers in Coe Library
Fund 10 replacement computers in the Geology Library
Fund 10 replacement computers in the classroom building
Fund 21 replacement computers in EN 2109
2019 Projects
Fund replacement printers for Coe Library and ITC computer labs
Fund checkout PC and Mac Laptops for Coe Library
Fund a central domain controller
Fund 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Fund Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Fund Poll Everywhere annual site license
Fund 26 replacement computers in AG 328
Fund 25 replacement computers in AS 228
Fund 31 replacement computers in AG 229
Fund 31 replacement computers in STEM 315
Fund 22 replacement computers in Coe Library
2018 Projects
Fund a set of replacement cameras for use in the Multimedia Equipment checkout program
Fund VR\AR setup for use in ITC Computer lab
Fund up to $22,000 to help purchase equipment for the Coe SIC
Fund 4 HoloLens for use by Molecular Bilogy
Fund upgrade of AG 229 to support full Zoom integration
Fund Laptops for use in Life Sciences
Fund 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Fund Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Fund Poll Everywhere annual site license
Fund 25 replacement computers in CR 225
Fund 76 replacement computers in Coe Library
Fund 24 replacement computers in ITC 101
Fund 10 replacement computers in Willett Drive and Bison Run labs
2017 Projects
Fund Makerbot 3D printers for use in ITC 101
Fund Multimedia production stations for use in ITC 101 and Coe library
Fund a complete remodel of BS 37 computer lab (Carpet, furniture, and technology)
Fund new chairs for AG 229
Fund VR equipment for Visual Arts
Fund Swivel Mounts for use in the device checkout program
Fund 1/3 of SPSS Site License
Fund Mathematica \ Wolfram Alpha site license
Fund Poll Everywhere annual site license
Fund 29 replacement computers in BS 39
Fund 33 replacement computers in STEM 215
Fund 43 replacement computers in Coe Library
Fund 10 replacement computers in the Geology Library
Fund 10 replacement computers in the classroom building
Fund 21 replacement computers in EN 2109
2016 Projects
Fund replacement computers for AG 328 (26)
Fund replacement computers for Coe Library (22)
Fund replacement computers for AS 228 (25)
Fund replacement computers for AG 229 (31)
Fund new computers for STEM 315 (31)
Fund Mathematica Site License through 2018
Fund MediaSite upgrades and infatructure improvements
Fund MyMediaSite site licenses
Fund WebCheckout licneses
Fund Pll Everywhere annual site license
2015 Projects
Funded replacement computers for CR 225 (25)
Funded replacement computers for Coe Library (75)
Funded replacement computers for IT 101 (22)
Fundeded replacement computers for Willett Drive (6)
Funded new computers for Bison Run community center (4)
Funded new printer for Bison Run community center
Funded replacement laptops for Coe Library checkout (20)
Funded replacement email kiosks for the Classroom building and Wyoming Union (13)
Funded additional multimedia equipment such as GoPros and new video cameras
Funded new chairs for the Willett Drive lab
Funded replacement printers in Coe, Classroom building, and Bison Run
2014 Projects
Funded replacement computers for BS 37 (51)
Funded replacement computers for EN 2106 (24)
Funded replacement computers for Coe Library (41)
Funded replacement computers for CR Study rooms and 205 (10)
Funded replacement computers for Geology Library (8)
Funded technolgy for placement in Coe 108 and 110 study rooms
Funded technology for placement in Library annex 47 and 48 study rooms
Funded mobile device charging stations for ITC, Coe and Union
Funded replacement projector for AG 229
Funded new printers for Coe 202
Funded mobile printing service
Funded new chairs for use in Bio Science 37
Funded the purchase of My Mediasite site license
2013 Projects
Funded replacement computers for AG 328 (26)
Funded replacement computers for AS 228 (25)
Funded replacement computers for Coe Library (34)
Funded replacement computers for AG 229 (31)
Funded replacement computers for EN 2109 (31)
Funded SPSS Access on the remote lab
Funded wireless upgrades in the classroom building and Coe Library
Funded Poll Everywhere site license
Funded Mathematica site license
Funded new technology enabled study room in ITC 162
Funded new multimedia production stations in ITC and Coe Library
Funded printer replacements in AS 228, AG 229, EN 2109, AG 328 and EN 2106
2012 Projects
Funded replacement computers for CR 225 (25)
Funded replacement computers for Coe Library (75)
Funded replacement computers for IT 101 (22)
Fundeded replacement computers for Willett Drive (6)
Funded new computers for Bison Run community center (4)
Funded new printer for Bison Run community center
Funded replacement laptops for Coe Library checkout (25)
Funded replacement printers for Coe 301 (4)
Funded new Media Site equipment
Funded back-end servers need to run UWStudent Lab System
Funded Maple renewal for an additional year - 50 concurrent licenses
2011 Projects
Funded replacement computers for BS 37 (51)
Funded replacement computers for EN 2106 (24)
Funded replacement computers for Coe Library (41)
Funded replacement computers for CR Study rooms and 205 (10)
Funded replacement computers for Geology Library (6)
Funded student storage increase - 1 GIG default per student
Funded LabStats replacement server
Funded 4 new scanners for Coe library
Funded stand alone documenat scanner for Coe Library
Funded a new printer for Willett Drive computer lab
Funded new comptuer desks for AS 228
Funded new computer desks for AG 229
Funded new computer desks for EN 2109
2010 Projects
Funded replacement computers for AG 328 (26)
Funded replacement computers for AG 229 (31)
Funded replacement computers for AS 228 (25)
Funded replacement computers for Coe Library (22)
Funded replacement computers for EN 4054 (31)
Funded computers for Coe 100 (12)
Funded Student File server replacement
Funded replacement computers in Coe 202
Funded Digital Signage for ITC, Coe, BS 37 and Classroom Building
Funded concurrent license server software - Keyserver
Funded Adobe concurrent licenses
Acrobat Pro
PhotoShop Extended
Funded 6 replacement scanners
Funded WeBWork replacement server
Funded replacement of BS 37 printers
Funded PC-Cillin Internet Security software for students
2009 Projects
Funded computers for ITC 101 computer lab (22)
Funded replacement computers for Willet Drive (10)
Funded replacement computers for Classroom 225 (25)
Funded replacement computers for Coe (61)
Replaced 20 PC based laptops for checkout in Coe library
Purchased 5 MAC laptops for checkout in Coe library
Renewed Software license for Microsoft Assurance
Funded Multimedia production stations for use in Coe and ITC
Funded cameras and accessories for checkout by students
Funded software maintenance for the math program Maple
Funded the replacement of the student print server, Grail
Funded additional printers for use in Coe 100 and 200
Funded PC-Cillin Internet Security software for students
2008 Projects
Created a new computer lab in the food court area of the Classroom Building
Placed Email kiosks in the Classroom Building
Installed HDTVs and computers in CR study rooms
Purchased SPSS licenses for use on the remote lab system
Upgraded data wiring in AS 228 to CAT6
Upgraded data wiring in Willett Drive lab to CAT6
Upgraded data wiring in AG 328 to CAT6 if BU renovation is funded
Upgraded data wiring in EN 2106 to CAT6 if BU renovation is funded
Upgraded data wiring in EN 4054 to CAT6 if BU renovation is funded
Funded PC-Cillin Internet Security software for students
Replaced computers in Coe Library first floor
Replaced computers in BU 307 (or EN2106 if BU renovation is funded)
Moved 1 year old computers from BS 37 to BU 308 (or AG 328 if BU renovation is funded)
Moved 1 year old computers from BS 37 to CR 225
Replaced projector in AS 228
Replaced projector in BU 301
2007 Projects
Upgraded UWStudent Web server
Upgraded UWStudent Antivirus server
Added an additional printer to Coe first floor
Developed and implemented LabStats
Funded PC-Cillin Internet Security software for students
Replaced computers in BS 37
Replaced computers in AG 229
Replaced computers in AS 228
Moved 1 year old computers from BS 37 to Coe Basement lab
Purchased new projectors for the student computer Labs AG 229 and BU 308
2006 Projects
Developed and Implemented the
UWStudent remote lab system
Created a new lab in married student housing -
Willett Drive Student computer lab
Upgraded the file server Arthur. Increased H: drive quota from 60MBs to 200MBs
Funded PC-Cillin Internet Security software for students
Partnered with Engineering to fund email kiosks for the Engineering building
Replaced computers in BS 37
Replaced computers in Ivinson 136
Replaced computers in Business 301
Moved 1 year old computers from BS 37 to Engineering 2111
Moved 1 year old computers from BS 37 to BU 308
Expanded the number of laptop computers for checkout in Coe Library
Upgraded data wiring in BU 301 to CAT6
Upgraded data wiring in BU 308 to CAT6
Upgraded data wiring in EN 2111 to CAT6
Upgraded data wiring in BS 37 to CAT6
Replaced color printers in BS 37, Coe Library basement lab, and Ivinson 136
Replaced flatbed scanners in Coe, BS 37 and Ivinson 136
2005 Projects
Replaced print server Grail
Replaced UWStudent Active Directory server
Replaced Laser Printers in BS 37
Added additional wireless base-stations in Coe library
Added additional wireless base-stations for use in the Union
Added wireless base-stations to Army and Air force ROTC lounges
Replaced and added additional laptop computers for use in Coe Library
Created a new lab on the first floor of Coe Library
Replaced computers in BS 37
Replaced computers in Business 307
Moved 1 year old computers from BS 37 to Coe Library basement lab
Upgraded electrical in AS 228
CSTC Call for Proposal funded projects
Funded up to $3000 to provide electrical to EN student lounge area
Funded $17,025 to assist Engineering to purchase BIM software
Funded up to $1885 to move data connections in HO 207
Agreed to take on maintenance and replacement responsibility for all 41 lab nodes located on the Coe first floor
Agreed to take on the maintenance and replacement responsibility for all 27 laptops provided by the libraries for checkout
Funded up to $5000 for two laptops and a printer for ASUW Law clinic
$23,000 to provide wired internet access to the study carols in Law
$4,700 to match a $2300 contribution from Engineering to place 3 email kiosks in the Engineering building
$340 to match a $340 contribution from Modern Languages to purchase Rosetta Stone - Russian software for use in HO 123 Language Lab
$8100 to match a College of Business contribution of $3,450 for electrical in BU 8 and 303 and benches for use in hallways to provide locations for students to sit while access the wireless network
$6,947 to purchase 3 computers for use in LS 145 and upgrade the wiring in LS 242
$600 to purchase 6 wireless cards for checkout at the Union information desk
$8,785 to upgrade the wiring in Ross Hall 347, 223 and 423
$6,400 to match a $3,725 contribution from Engineering to purchase Classroom Performance Systems for use in EN 1062 and 2101
$1,542 to purchase a computer for the Volunteer Services area (Union 6)
$300 to purchase two digital cameras for the Campus Activities Center for use by RSOs