Electrical and Computer Engineering
Room 5059, Engineering Building
University of Wyoming
College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Dept. 3315
1000 E. University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Publications |
Teaching |
Approaches to segment organs and tumors in MRI, CT-Scan and Ultrasound images using Deep Learning Networks are being researched. Deep learning networks like Convolution Neural Network (CNN), Reinforcement Neural Network (RNN) and Generative Adversarial Network (GNN) are being researched.
Using GPGPU based HPC, algorithms to solve Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) parallel in time have been researched. Machine learning algorithms are being researched to perform contingency analysis.
GPGPU based HPC is being researched to accelerate climate codes like MPAS and WRF. AR devices have been used to visualize hurricanes.
Professor: July 2010 to present, University of Wyoming
Associate Professor: July 2003 – June 2010, University of Wyoming
Assistant Professor: August 1997 – June 2003, University of Wyoming
Temporary Assistant Professor: August 1995 – July 1997, University of Wyoming
Honors and Awards: