Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
EN 5068
1000 E. University Ave. | Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2279
Email: eecs@uwyo.edu
Catalog | Academic Year | Curriculum | Check Sheet | Flow Sheet |
Fall 2024, Spring 2025, or Summer 2025 |
2024-2025 |
Fall 2023, Spring 2024, or Summer 2024 |
2023-2024 |
Fall 2022, Spring 2023, or Summer 2023 |
2022-2023 |
Electrical Engineering (PDF) Computer Science (PDF) |
Additional Resources
Prospective Students
To schedule a visit to the University of Wyoming, call 307-766-4075. Be sure to mention
your interest in engineering. For more information on how to become an engineering
student, see the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences Prospective Students page.
Current Students
For general student information see the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences
Current Students page.
Professional Societies
Involvement in professional organizations is encouraged early in the student's career.
The department has a very active student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers (IEEE). This group has received recognition as the outstanding
IEEE student chapter in the thirteen-state Rocky Mountain region. Industrial field
trips, nationally known speakers, and social functions are sponsored by the IEEE student
chapter. Many students participate in the annual and national IEEE design contests
and paper competitions.
The Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering curriculum at the University of
Wyoming is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology. Graduate work may be completed for the M.S. or Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering.
Internship/CO-OP Credit
Any internship credit for ECE majors must be through EE4800.
“Technical Elective” or "CPEN Elective" credit can be earned for professional internships or CO-OPs. Before beginning the internship/CO-OP, a proposal must be written by the student explaining what ECE skills they will be using and learning during their work experience. It must be approved by the ECE department. After completing the internship/CO-OP, the student must write a report which their work supervisor approves. It documents what ECE skills they used and learned during the internship/CO-OP. It will be graded by the faculty supervisor, who will give a S/U grade. One credit is earned for each semester or summer, up to a maximum of 3 credit hours. More information on the internship program can be found here.
Lab Policies:
Students must earn a passing grade in all the labs associated with a course otherwise they do not pass the course.
If a student has a passing grade in the lab portion of a course, that course can be retaken without repeating its lab portion. The previously earned lab grade will be carried into the grading of the repeated course.
Substitutions for EE4870:
If EE4870 Network Hardware has not been offered in three consecutive semesters, the following 7 courses have been approved by the faculty to be allowed as substitutions for it the next semester: EE4345 - Hardware DSP; EE4360 - VLSI Design; COSC 4010-04 - Cyber Security; COSC 4765-01 - Computer Security; COSC 4555 - Machine Learning; EE5410 - Neural and Fuzzy Systems; EE5670 - Digital Image Formation and Acquisition
Transfer Credit Policy (for ECE)
(1) To graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Electrical, Electrical with a Bio-Option, or Computer Engineering from UW, students must successfully complete at least 30 hours of EE or BE courses from the University of Wyoming.
(2) Courses will be considered for preapproved transfer as a UW EE course only if they are taken from an institution in the attached list. No online courses taken outside the Wyoming system will be considered for preapproved transfer.
(3) Before taking a course which has not been preapproved, a student should verify that the course has the potential to transfer by getting ECE’s “Potential to Transfer” form signed. Even a very good course may not have the potential for transferring if it is outside of the collective ECE faculty’s expertise. After taking a course which has “Potential to Transfer,” a student may apply to substitute it for a UW EE course. The UW ECE department will then test that student and examine the course content to determine if they have learned the specified material. If they pass the examination, credit will be transferred for that course on a one-time basis.
(4) Students enrolled in the International Engineering Option, Minor, or Study Abroad will have their international courses considered for preapproved transfer. They may also petition to have the hours required in item (1) lowered.
Time Limits for GA Support:
A Masters student will only be allowed two years of state-funded support, even if they only received four semesters of half GA support during that time. A Doctoral student can only receive five years post Bachelors (even if they are only at half support).
Direct PhD Admission (BS to PhD)
Direct PhD admission has to be approved by the ECE faculty. You need to submit the student's transcripts and make a case during the meeting.
Switching from MS to PhD
The current MS student should complete the MS degree (Plan A or plan B) and then depending on their GPA there are two paths: If the GPA is 3.8 or above, there is no requirement of faculty review, and it is automatic admission to PhD. If the GPA is lower than 3.8 and higher or equal than 3.4, the ECE faculty will review the application.
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department
EN 5068
1000 E. University Ave. | Dept. 3295
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2279
Email: eecs@uwyo.edu