Grasshoppers of Wyoming and the West
Key to Subfamily Gomphocerinae
Previous Step (F')
G Lateral carinae of pronotum cut by one sulcus; vertex generally bluntly rounded
anteriorly, posterior edge of depression strongly curved; tegmina usually not extending
to tips of hind femora; dark stripe behind eye distinct; widespread in Colorado.
Head and pronotum |
Tegmen |
Orphulella speciosa (Scudder)
See O. speciosa fact sheet from Dr. Pfadt's Field Guide to Common Western Grasshoppers
G' Lateral carinae of pronotum cut by two or three sulci; vertex somewhat pointed anteriorly,
posterior edge of depression curved moderately; tegmina usually extending to tips
of hind femora or beyond; stripe behind eye less distinct; widespread in Colorado.
Head and pronotum
Orphulella pelidna (Burmeister)
Grasshoppers of Colorado Contents