Previous Step (D)
E Head appearing disproportionately small; median and lateral carinae of pronotum
weak or absent; uncommon.
Top view of pronotum | Tegmen |
E' Head often appearing disproportionately large; median carina of pronotum distinct,
lateral carinae not distinct structurally, but often well marked by color.
F Tip of female abdomen, when viewed from below, with two deep clefts; tegmina often
not reaching tips of hind femora; bands on upper and outer faces of hind femora, and
blotches on sides of prozona, dark and distinct; widespread, primarily in eastern
Bottom view of abdomen tip of female
Aulocara femoratum (Scudder)
F' Tip of female abdomen, when viewed from below, without deep clefts; tegmina usually
reaching or exceeding tips of hind femora; bands on femora and blotches on sides of
prozona weak; widespread and common, primarily in eastern Colorado.
Bottom view of abdomen tip of female
Aulocara elliotti (Thomas)