Grasshopper populations present recurring problems to agriculture in the western United States, and large sums of money are spent annually to combat these pests. Those responsible for making decisions about grasshopper control often lack basic information concerning their target organism. This manual brings together some pertinent information about grasshoppers. It is intended for use by Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension and university personnel. Students and others also may find it useful. With this audience in mind, scientific terminology has been minimized, and a glossary has been provided.
Although intended for use in Colorado, this manual may be useful for grasshopper workers in nearby states. Wyoming, in particular, and also western Nebraska and Kansas and northern New Mexico have similar grasshopper fauna.
Preparation of this manual was made possible by a grant from the Four Corners Regional Development Commission. The Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station and the Colorado Department of Agriculture supported publication. We also gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of the following individuals: D. Carlson, R. Sullivan and J. Thurman, Colorado Department of Agriculture; R. Pfadt, University of Wyoming; U. Lanham, University of Colorado; H. Evans and D. Ferguson, Colorado State University; and D. Otte, Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Figures were prepared by T. S. Sechrist.
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