Department of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: 307-766-3386
Fax: 307-766-6679
Email: geol-geophys@uwyo.edu
Graduate student Erin Phillips Writer (PhD) recently won the best student presentation award at The Frontiers of U-series Research Symposium in Sydney, Australia. The symposium brought together scientists from around the world to discuss current research using U-series geochemistry and the future direction of the science. Erin presented a poster titled, “U-series isotopic constraints on mantle upwelling on the periphery of the Hawaiian plume; Isotope geochemistry of Haleakala crater basanites.” Funding for travel was provided by a student award from Macquarie University, the University of Wyoming Geology and Geophysics Department, the Wyoming NASA Space Grant Consortium, and NSF grant funding from Erin’s advisor, Associate Professor Kenneth W. W. Sims.
Department of Geology and Geophysics
1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Phone: 307-766-3386
Fax: 307-766-6679
Email: geol-geophys@uwyo.edu