Contact Us

    Human Resources

    Campus: Hill Hall 3rd Floor

    Mail: Dept. 3422

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071-2000

    Phone: 307.766.2377

    Fax: 307.766.5607


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    Conflict and Dispute Resolution

    Conflict Resolution is about resolving problems and disagreements in the workplace before they escalate to a disruption. Workplace conflict can arise for a variety of reasons from simple misunderstandings to interpersonal problems to serious arguments. Regardless of the reason, it is important to promptly address conflicts in the workplace. and find a path forward for the parties involved. Below are some resources, information, and strategies to help managers and employees resolve conflict.

    What to do first

    Conflicts are a normal part of the work environment. Employees may experience times of conflict with their co-workers or supervisors. Supervisors may experience disagreements with their employees. In either case, the first step is for the two parties to attempt to resolve the issues themselves. If a resolution cannot be reached amongst themselves, the next step is to involve a supervisor or the supervisor’s manager (if applicable). The supervisor is responsible for hearing both sides of the argument and rendering a decision. If this step does not satisfy both parties, the final decision-making authority will be the applicable Dean/Director (for Academic Affairs) or Vice President (for other Units). HR is available to consult with with the applicable decision-making authority, as necessary, to render a final, binding decision.   

    1-on-1 consultations

    Employee Relations offers 1-on-1 consultations to help facilitate and resolve workplace conflicts. These consultations are available to discuss interpretation, explanation and clarification of University policies and procedures, advise employees regarding their employment rights, facilitate dialogue on employee/employer issues, discuss performance-based or behavior-based actions (corrective and disciplinary actions), and performance improvement plans. If you would like to schedule a consultation please contact Employee Relations or 307-766-2438.


    The University of Wyoming Ombuds Office helps with resolving conflict, shedding light on serious concerns, mediating, facilitating difficult conversations, giving the community tools to disagree productively, educating and coaching.


    The Dispute Resolution process involves employment matters that are NOT related to corrective action matters or incidents involving allegations of discrimination, harassment, or incidents or threats of workplace violence. Employees are encouraged to work through day-to-day problems in the workplace as they occur. When assistance is needed, employees are encouraged to contact Human Resources for information regarding available processes or policies to assist the employee. 

    • Any non-probationary, classified staff employee of the University appointed and serving in a position pursuant to the Regulations of the Trustees of the University of Wyoming is eligible to use the Grievance Process as outline in the University of Wyoming Employee Handbook. This further information and the formal process are discussed and outlined beginning on page 60 of the Employee Handbook.
    • The University recognizes the right of Academic Personnel to express differences of opinion and to seek fair and timely resolution of disputes. The applicable process for academic personnel is discussed and outlined in University of Wyoming Regulations 2-2


    Any employee who, in good Faith, exercises the right to file an appeal or complaint or cooperates in the investigation of such, is protected from adverse employment action motivated by that protected activity.  Allegations of retaliation will be treated seriously, as separate and distinct from the original complaints.  

    Contact Us

    Human Resources

    Campus: Hill Hall 3rd Floor

    Mail: Dept. 3422

    1000 E. University Ave.

    Laramie, WY 82071-2000

    Phone: 307.766.2377

    Fax: 307.766.5607


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