Departmental Seminars

The Molecular Biology Department’s seminar program is one of the very best on campus. We make a strong effort to bring in visiting scientists who can provide a entertaining, enlightening, and current research report on an important area of molecular biology. Shown below is a listing of the current semester’s seminar speakers.

Seminars start at 2:10 pm and are held in the Berry Center Auditorium - Room 138.

Molecular Biology Fall 2023 Seminars



Speaker & Affiliation







Drs. Grant Bowman & Jay Gatlin

Molecular Biology, University of Wyoming


Introduction to MOLB Seminar




Dr. Karen Visick

Microbiology and Immunology, Loyola University Chicago


Control over biofilm formation and host colonization by Vibrio fischeri


Mark Gomelsky



Dr. Xin Li

Cell & Developmental Biology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign


Decoding the molecular clock controlling neural diversity generation in the visual center of Drosophila


Todd Schoborg



Dr. Constance Jeffery

Biological Sciences, University of Illinois Chicago, Cancer Center


The Multiple Lives of Moonlighting Proteins


Eunsook Park



Dr. Naomi Courtemanche

Genetics, Cell Biology and Development, University of Minnesota


Actin filament assembly mediated by formins: All roads lead to the barbed end


David Fay



Dr. Tim Whitehead

Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


Rapid biosensor development from repurposed plant hormone receptors


Grant Bowman



Dr. Keith Derbyshire

Biomedical Sciences, State University of New York at Albany


Who’s who in the mycobacterial dating game


Dan Wall



Dr. Michelle Ozbun

Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of New Mexico


Jackalopes, Toads, Warts, & Cancers: The Study of How Papilloma Viruses Cause Disease Reveals an Achilles’ Heel Ripe for Anti-Viral Therapies


Don Jarvis



Dr. Steve Andrews

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center


Reverse engineering cell biology: insights into cell design through modeling


Grant Bowman



Dr. Daniel Dickinson

Molecular Biosciences, University of Texas at Austin


Cell Polarity: From Molecules to Embryos


David Fay



Dr. Darcy McRose

Climate, Environment & Life Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Putting Microbial Small Molecules in Context: Insights from Considerations of the Soil Environment


Sheila Walsh, Wall Lab



Dr. John Murray

Genetics, University of Pennsylvania


Single cell analysis of embryonic regulatory dynamics


Owen Funk, Levy Lab



No Seminar




Dr. Mariano Garcia-Blanco

Microbiology, Immunology and Cancer Biology, University of Virginia


The love-hate relationship between host proteins and viral RNAs


Don Jarvis



Dr. Robert Halfmann

Stowers Institute


Living to die: Protein Supersaturation Trades Longevity for Immunity


Thomas Boothby