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Published March 04, 2020
Thirty-two University of Wyoming students recently received awards for their works of art that are part of the UW Art Museum’s 45th annual Juried UW Student Exhibition.
The annual Juried UW Student Exhibition is open to any student enrolled at UW or any in-state student enrolled through UW distance courses during the current academic year. For the 45th annual Juried UW Student Exhibition, 60 students submitted 164 works of art for review. From those, 50 artworks by 42 students were selected.
An out-of-state juror is invited each year to select the exhibition from student submissions. This year’s juror was Mandy Vink, public art administrator for the city of Boulder’s Office of Arts and Culture in Boulder, Colo.
Each year, UW administration and departments, the UW Art Museum National Advisory Board, as well as businesses and individuals, provide cash prizes and purchase awards that recognize and support the creative work of UW students. Forty-eight purchase and scholarship awards -- cumulatively valued at over $18,000 -- were announced during the Feb. 22 awards ceremony.
“The exhibition is so much more than a display of students’ hard work and talent. It’s a crash course in many of the lessons an artist will learn outside the classroom after graduation,” says Garrett Cruzan, one of the award-winning students. “Recognizing this is key to getting the most out of it, I think, and it’s a very unique opportunity to have the chance to learn about getting your work out there while still having the support of UW faculty members.”
Award-winning students, listed by hometowns, are:
Afton -- Brianna Drew.
Big Horn -- Alannah Gee.
Bozeman, Mont. -- Aubree Wallace.
Burlington -- Rachel Mantel.
Casper -- Leslie Podjun.
Cheyenne -- Shelby Galik, Anna Naig and Tamara Rodgers.
Cody -- Denallie Moore and Sara Reed.
Gillette -- Jessica Brennan.
Golden, Colo. -- Stacey Tilton.
Green River -- Kendra Lewis.
Lander -- Annika Poitras.
Laramie -- Catherine Clennan, Garrett Cruzan, Garrid Halsey, Mitch Quade, Katie Roth and Katherine Williams.
Lingle -- Riley Hansen.
Monticello, Fla. -- Ross Everett.
Pavillion -- Lydia Johnson.
Powell -- Ismael Dominguez.
Rajkot, Gujarat, India -- Geeta Monpara.
Rawlins -- Angela-Luna Schweisberger.
Riverton -- Katelyn Florence.
Rockford, Mich. -- Hannah McClennen.
Santa Rosa, Calif. -- Rebecca Austin.
St. Louis, Mo. -- Hanna Fox.
Torrington -- Alexander McAnelly.
Wright -- Nichole Wolz.
The exhibition is on view through May 16.
For more information about the UW Art Museum, call (307) 766-6622, visit the website at www.uwyo.edu/artmuseum, or follow the museum on Facebook and Instagram.
The UW Art Museum collects, exhibits and interprets art to inspire creativity and nurture lifelong learning for the people of Wyoming. Located in the Centennial Complex at 2111 E. Willett Drive in Laramie, the museum is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Thursday hours are extended to 7 p.m. Admission is free.
Contact Us
Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929
Email: cbaldwin@uwyo.edu