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Theobald, Mai, Kean Move into New Positions at UW

With the start of the presidency of the University of Wyoming’s 28th President Ed Seidel, a number of changes have been made in the university’s administration.

Neil Theobald, the former vice president for finance and administration who has served as acting president for the past year, is now UW’s senior vice president for finance and administration.

Bill Mai, who has been serving as interim vice president for administration, is now the deputy vice president for administration.

Alex Kean, who has been director of budget and institutional planning, is now interim director of government relations.

Theobald, Mai and Kean will assume the duties of Interim Vice President for Community Affairs Chris Boswell, who has retired from the university after returning from retirement to assist Theobald’s administration, and former Director of Government Relations Meredith Asay, who has stepped down. Kean and Mai will report to Theobald.

“I appreciate the willingness of Neil, Bill and Alex to move into these key administrative roles and carry on the duties that have so ably been filled by Chris and Meredith,” Seidel says. “We greatly appreciate the contributions of Chris and Meredith to the university. Their presence will be greatly missed.”

With UW Board of Trustees approval, Seidel earlier appointed Anne Alexander as UW’s interim provost and vice president for academic affairs, succeeding Kate Miller, who has stepped down. Seidel soon will launch a search for a provost/senior vice president for academic affairs.



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