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UW Cross-Discipline Academic Writing Fellows Program Available for Academic Year

Applications for the inaugural University of Wyoming Cross-Discipline Academic Writing Fellows (UWAWF) program – offered by the Communication across the Curriculum (CxC) program -- are now being accepted for the 2020-21 academic year.

Deadline to apply is Friday, Aug. 28, and notifications will be made Monday, Aug. 31.

The UWAWF program promotes greater scholarly productivity through mentoring, retreats, writing groups and community-building. This fall’s program also includes a virtual workshop led by Helen Sword, an international writing scholar and coach.

In this first year for campuswide participation, the program hopes to achieve a strong blend of participation across colleges, disciplines and levels of experience, says CxC Director Rick Fisher.

He will co-coordinate the program with UW College of Arts and Sciences faculty member Kathleen Frye. The program will accept up to 10 participants and will be delivered entirely online through at least the fall semester. By June 2021, participants will be expected to provide evidence of submission of two substantial academic writing projects.

“With COVID-19-related disruptions to research, we hope this is a good year to kick off this program and to help UW researchers reset their writing habits and research agendas,” Fisher says.

The CxC program -- housed within the Ellbogen Center for Teaching and Learning (ECTL) -- supports UW faculty and students in enhancing their written, oral and digital communication. It provides support for faculty in teaching writing and seeks to promote a vibrant culture of academic communication across campus.

“The program takes the view that faculty become better teachers of writers, in part, by becoming more aware of their own writing processes and practices,” Fisher says.

The Office of Academic Affairs and the ECTL support the UWAWF program. The Wyoming Institute for Humanities Research provides books for this year’s fellows.

UW faculty members interested in learning more about the fellows program can visit the ECTL’s faculty learning communities page by clicking here. A downloadable application is available here.

For more information, email Fisher at



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Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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