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UW Volunteer Judges Needed for Virtual Wyoming State Science Fair in March

Students and faculty members from the University of Wyoming and others are invited to judge youth research projects at the Wyoming State Science Fair (WSSF).

The WSSF is an event that connects talented junior and senior high school students with professional scientists, engineers and mathematicians. The event will take place virtually Monday, March 7. Volunteers can serve as a category award or a special award judge. Interview judging will occur through the virtual zFairs platform the morning of March 7.

“To those who have judged before, I am sincerely grateful for your continuous and generous involvement,” says Erin Stoesz, WSSF director.

Student research projects, which span a broad spectrum of STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines, are grouped into nearly 12 different categories. Research projects will be available for preview Feb. 28-March 6.

For more information about the judging, categories and schedule, email Volunteers also can visit to sign up for judging.



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Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929

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