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UW College of Business Honors Students and Employees With Annual Awards

Faculty, staff and students in the University of Wyoming’s College of Business received several awards during the college’s recent recognition dinner.

The 72nd annual dinner took place in the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center and also honored scholarship recipients and donors to the College of Business.

Faculty awards went to:

-- Committed Educator Award: Awarded to nontenure-track faculty member Andy McKamey, Department of Accounting and Finance.

-- Excellence in Teaching Award: Awarded to junior faculty member Jacob Holwerda, Department of Management and Marketing.

-- Distinguished Teaching Award: Awarded to senior faculty member Stephen Newbold, Department of Economics.

-- Impact Award: Molly Burchett, Department of Management and Marketing.

-- Online MBA Teaching Excellence Award: Sasha Skiba, Department of Economics.

-- Belt Buckle Research Awards: Burchett; Todd Cherry, Department of Economics; Jeffrey Covin, Department of Management and Marketing; Linda Price, Department of Management and Marketing; Ronn Smith, Department of Management and Marketing; Chase Thiel, Department of Management and Marketing; Linda Thunstrom, Department of Economics; and Tim Zhang, Department of Accounting and Finance.

Staff awards went to:

-- Rookie of the Year: Ashley Bock, Peter M. and Paula Green Johnson Student Success Center.

-- Student Success Above All Else: Jamie Manzanares, Peter M. and Paula Green Johnson Student Success Center.

-- Consider It Done: Carlinda Asay, Department of Management and Marketing.

-- Beyond the Call of Duty: Josie Voight, dean’s office.

Student awards went to:

Department of Accounting and Finance

-- Wyoming Society of CPAs Outstanding Master’s Student in Accounting: Vicki Nelson, of Laramie.

-- Wyoming Society of CPAs Outstanding Graduating Senior: Madeline Dillow, from Casper.

-- Wyoming Society of CPAs Outstanding Junior: Josette Dziardziel, of Douglas.

-- Outstanding Junior in Accounting: Adam Zuck, from Gillette.

-- Outstanding Junior in Finance: Joseph Kostelecky, of Cheyenne.

-- Outstanding Senior in Accounting: Samantha Templin, of Sacramento, Calif.

-- Outstanding Senior in Finance: Ryan Kilpatrick, from San Diego, Calif.

-- Outstanding Master’s Student in Accounting: Janie Dziardziel, of Douglas.

-- Outstanding Master’s Student in Finance: Adrianna Washington, from Douglas.

Department of Economics

 -- Outstanding Senior: Andrew Wright, of Thornton, Colo.

-- Outstanding Master’s Student: Eli Bryant, of Cheyenne.

-- Outstanding First-Year Ph.D. Student: Chandler Hubbard, from Centreville, Ala.

-- William E. Morgan Graduate Award: Alivia Cochran, of Windsor, Colo.; and Irene Zapata, from Mexico City, Mexico.

-- Shelby Gerking Graduate Award: Katie Barkley, of Germantown, Tenn.; Peri Brimley, of Salt Lake City, Utah; Bailey Kirkland, from Charleston, S.C.; Joe Longuevan, of Anchorage, Alaska; and Sal Spada, of Dedham, Mass.

-- Outstanding Ph.D. Teaching Student: Ann Hardin, of Laramie.

-- Outstanding Ph.D. Research Student: Pablo David Campoverde, of Mexico City, Mexico.

Department of Management and Marketing

-- Outstanding Junior in Management: Macey Boggs, of Gering, Neb.

-- Outstanding Junior in Marketing: Paige Ricketts, of Cheyenne.

-- Outstanding Junior in Entrepreneurship: Ralph Fawaz, of Piedmont, S.C.

-- Outstanding Junior in Professional Selling: Ben Niederer, from Lyman.

-- Outstanding Senior in Management: Ellie Keeler, of Broomfield, Colo.

-- Outstanding Senior in Marketing: Alyssa Piel, of Franktown, Colo.

-- Outstanding Senior in Entrepreneurship: Noah Forbes, of Cheyenne.

-- Outstanding Senior in Professional Selling: Payson Birkeland, from Aladdin.

MBA Program

-- MBA Ethics Award, sponsored by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program: Adam Balph, of Cheyenne.

-- MBA Student Leadership Award: Alexander Gunter, from Laramie.

-- Outstanding MBA Campus Student: Kyler Arriola, of Jackson.

-- Outstanding MBA Online Student: Sarah Cooley, of Midvale, Utah.

College-Level Awards

-- Attilio and Hedy Bedont Outstanding Graduate Student Award: Jessica Zapf, of Windsor, Colo.

-- Karla M. Vavold DDS Outstanding Junior Student Award and Undergraduate Student of the Year: Paige Ricketts, from Cheyenne.

-- Karla M. Vavold DDS Outstanding Sophomore Student: Annabelle Pierson, of Casper.

-- Karla M. Vavold DDS Outstanding Freshman Student: Tatum Floyd, from Cheyenne.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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