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UW College of Business Honors Students and Employees Receive Awards

Faculty, staff and students in the University of Wyoming’s College of Business received several awards during the college’s recent recognition dinner.

The 73rd annual dinner took place in the Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center and honored scholarship recipients and donors to the College of Business.

Faculty awards went to:

-- Committed Educator Award: Awarded to nontenure-track faculty member James Gunderson, Department of Accounting and Finance.

-- Excellence in Teaching Award: Awarded to junior faculty member Molly Burchett, Department of Management and Marketing.

-- Distinguished Teaching Award: Awarded to senior faculty member Mitch Oler, Department of Accounting and Finance.

-- Impact Award: Greg Livingston, Department of Management and Marketing.

-- MBA Teaching Excellence Award: Stephanie Oneto, Department of Management and Marketing.

-- Belt Buckle Research Awards: Todd Cherry, Department of Economics; Jeffrey Covin, Department of Management and Marketing; Mac Festa, Department of Accounting and Finance; David Finnoff, Department of Economics; Elizabeth Minton, Department of Management and Marketing; Stephen Newbold, Department of Economics; Linda Price, Department of Management and Marketing; Jason Shogren, Department of Economics; Chase Thiel, Department of Management and Marketing; and Linda Thunstrom, Department of Economics.

-- Department of Management and Marketing Excellence in Experiential Teaching Award: Minton.

-- Department of Management and Marketing Good Citizen Award: Casey Frome.

Staff awards went to:

-- Beyond the Call of Duty: The college’s top staff award, open to all staff members, J.T. Cattelan, Dean’s Office.

-- Rookie of the Year: Hannah McLean-Leonard, Graduate Programs.

-- Student Success Above All Else: Baillie Miller, Peter M. and Paula Green Johnson Student Success Center.

-- Consider It Done: Brenda Cossitt, Dean’s Office.

Student awards went to:

Department of Accounting and Finance

-- Wyoming Society of CPAs Outstanding Master’s Student in Accounting: Sydney Tatum, from Laramie.

-- Wyoming Society of CPAs Outstanding Graduating Senior: Jadyn Mullikin, from Sheridan.

-- Wyoming Society of CPAs Outstanding Junior: Taylor Despain, from Cowley.

-- Outstanding Junior in Accounting: Tara Teegan, from Littleton, Colo.

-- Outstanding Junior in Finance: Olivia Fisher, from Altadena, Calif.

-- Outstanding Senior in Accounting: Jake Dippel, from Jackson.

-- Outstanding Senior in Finance: Brentan Brown, from Casper.

-- Outstanding Master’s Student in Accounting: William Hopkins, from Laramie.

-- Outstanding Master’s Student in Finance: Brady Tosh, from Laramie.

Department of Economics

-- Outstanding Junior: Kolton Brenneman, from Laramie.

-- Outstanding Senior: Sabrina Considine, from Laramie.

-- Outstanding Master’s Student: Machel Thomas, from Mandeville, Jamaica.

-- Outstanding First-Year Ph.D. Student: Tristin Waggener, from Cheyenne.

-- William E. Morgan Graduate Award: Pablo David Campoverde, from Mexico City, Mexico.

-- Shelby Gerking Graduate Award: Irene Zapata Moran, from Mexico City, Mexico; Collin DePaemelere, from Casper; Angela Ture, from Novy Oskol, Russia; and Alivia Cochran, from Windsor, Colo.

-- Outstanding Ph.D. Teaching Student: Nida Zafar, from Lahore, Pakistan.

-- Outstanding Ph.D. Research Student: Peri Brimley, from Laramie.

Department of Management and Marketing

-- Outstanding Junior in Management: Stewart Sonte, from Gilroy, Calif.

-- Outstanding Junior in Marketing: Haiden Wiggins, from Toledo, Ore.

-- Outstanding Junior in Entrepreneurship: Benjamin Davidson, from Laramie.

-- Outstanding Junior in Professional Selling: Annabelle Pierson, from Bozeman, Mont.

-- Outstanding Senior in Management: Sarah Drewry, from Lander.

-- Outstanding Senior in Marketing: McKenna Kail, from Lander.

-- Outstanding Senior in Entrepreneurship: Brook Deal, from Cody.

-- Outstanding Senior in Professional Selling: Paige Ricketts, from Cheyenne.

MBA Program

-- MBA Ethics Award, sponsored by the Daniels Fund Ethics Initiative Collegiate Program: Taylor Engum, from Shoshoni.

-- Outstanding MBA Campus Student: Morgan Kitchen, from Laramie.

-- Outstanding MBA Online Student: Lucas Albrighton, from Larkspur, Colo.

College-Level Awards

-- Attilio and Hedy Bedont Outstanding Graduate Student Award: Srutakirti Mukherjee, from Kolkata, India.

-- Karla M. Vavold DDS Outstanding Junior Student Award and Undergraduate Student of the Year: Annabelle Pierson, from Bozeman, Mont.

-- Karla M. Vavold DDS Outstanding Sophomore Student: Ryan Luethje, from Santa Clara, Calif.

-- Karla M. Vavold DDS Outstanding Freshman Student: Riley Wilkerson, from Calgary, Alberta.

Contact Us

Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929


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