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Published December 12, 2024
A significant gift to the James Nielson Excellence Fund in the University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources (SER) will bolster the fund that has benefited energy-focused students, faculty and staff since its inception in 2006.
The gift from the estate of the late James “Jim” Nielson was matched dollar for dollar by the state of Wyoming.
In addition to supporting students within SER committed to making a difference in the energy sector, the Nielson Excellence Fund has provided a mechanism to support students in related fields on collaborative projects.
Over the years, hundreds of UW students with an interest in energy have benefited from the fund, directly impacting SER; the Haub School of Environment and Natural Resources; the College of Engineering and Physical Sciences; the College of Agriculture, Life Sciences and Natural Resources; the College of Arts and Sciences; the College of Business; the College of Law; and the Honors College.
The fund also has been used to develop the Nielson Faculty Fellows program, which recognizes exceptional faculty members for their superior performance in advancing energy, research, education and stewardship. The Fellows program has helped to recruit and retain high-performing, collaborative faculty with expertise important to Wyoming’s energy sector.
“Jim Nielson has a tremendous legacy in the energy sector,” says SER Executive Director Holly Krutka. “It is an honor for SER to administer the excellence fund created in his name to ensure that the University of Wyoming can continue to deliver cutting-edge research, instruction and outreach activities to support the state’s largest industry. Due to its flexibility, this fund provides us the opportunity to be nimble, responsive and proactive and to support energy work across UW.”
Nielson died in 2023 at the age of 91, leaving behind a legacy of excellence and a passion for Wyoming that he championed throughout his lifetime. A UW graduate and a military veteran, Nielson worked for Husky Oil, his family’s energy company. He went on to start a number of successful energy-related businesses during his career. He was honored by UW as a Distinguished Alumnus in 2016.
“In addition to being a respected leader in the regional energy industry, Jim Nielson truly was a foundational benefactor to SER, making possible success in delivering on our mission,” Krutka says. “We are tremendously grateful for his commitment to education, energy and innovation, and we know that his enduring memory will live on through the School of Energy Resources and our collaborators across UW and beyond.”
Contact Us
Institutional Communications
Bureau of Mines Building, Room 137
Laramie, WY 82071
Phone: (307) 766-2929
Email: cbaldwin@uwyo.edu